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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7, 1988 PAGE 7 <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />City Attorney Knaak had no additional comments. <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Washington Co./Metropolitan Council: request for extension <br />of (Jamaca Ave.) Landfill #1 Permit <br />In February, 1988, Mary Luth of the Washington County Public Health <br />Department appeared before the Council to present the 1987 Evaluation <br />Report on the Lake Jane Landfill. One of the items discussed was the <br />Counties' desire to connect Gradient Control Well No. 1 (CG-1) to the <br />VBWD storm sewer. <br />The Counties have not applied for the necessary revisions to their <br />State permit to make such a connection. The City now has an <br />opportunity to comment on the permit application. <br />City Engineer Bohrer had two concerns: the movement of contaminants <br />off -site to Eagle Point Lake and the reduction in flow capacity of <br />the VBWD system if some capacity is used by the Counties. <br />Councilman Graves voiced his concern that we would be pumping this <br />water down to Eagle Point Lake and then on -down into the St. Croix <br />River. The types of contaminants are going to build up in the fatty <br />tissues of the fish and there is a potential to contaminate the fish <br />in the lake. Councilman Moe suggested getting input from the DNR. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong did not want to sit back and give them <br />permission for a permit for a period of five years. Rose would like <br />to see a strong letter written stating they should be looking for <br />more than the 17 contaminants tested and want it constantly monitor <br />and watching what is going into Eagle Point Lake. As of today, there <br />is a landfill on course for Eagle Point Lake which will throw enough <br />effluent into that lake. When the landfill comes up for discussion, <br />the County will say the City didn't mind landfill no. 1 going into <br />Eagle Point Lake, why are they now protesting this secondary <br />landfill. Graves added they would probably say "we already polluted <br />Eagle Point Lake anyway so what is a little more. <br />Councilman Johnson felt the point of exceeding the limits can happen. <br />There could be a��inage in�°the water system that would raise the <br />in <br />contaminant level"l ,c t:g.e: ad i broke open. They check it quarterly now, <br />but should propose some bat,c ng and testing operation. If they are <br />going to do this ar �l th "b�inue to spray to get rid of the <br />contaminants beforen�a]ves the site and have it _held'°; in..: some <br />kind of a reservoir which would be plastic lined Before the wateri is <br />discharged, it should be tested _first. <br />Johnson added that this is "the old solution to pollution by <br />l dilution". He objected to the lonely statement" Receiving water: <br />Eagle Point Lake via Tri-Lakes Outlet) on the permit. There is <br />nothing stating height or anything on spraying or air -stripping. It <br />is made out like they want an extension to continue working --but in <br />