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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7, 1988 <br />Yreality it is the first time. Johnson would like the <br />1 formal request that this be heard by the'MPCA Board <br />people attend this meeting. <br />PAGE 8 <br />City to make a <br />and a number of <br />Graves felt a strong letter could be written stating that we <br />recognize this is a short term interim approach to addressing the <br />problem and would recommend acceptance of this as long as it is <br />accompanied with a detailed plan identifvinq specific steps in a very <br />definite sequence of events that will be taken to positively correct <br />the problem in 10 or 15 vears which may include excavating the <br />landfill and removing the offending drums. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves to instruct the Citv Administrator and Citv <br />Enaineer draw uD a resolution to reflect the comments made by the <br />Council at the June 7th meeting and make a request for a formal <br />hearing to be heard by the MPCA Board. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. 43rd & Kimbro: MSA designation relocation <br />City Engineer Bohrer presented resolutions necessary to revoke MSA <br />designation on Kimbro Avenue and 50th Street and to establish MSA <br />designation on Kimbro Avenue and 43rd Street. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to adopt Resolution 88-25 A Resolution <br />receiving report and calling hearing on improvement; 88-26 Revoking <br />MSA street designation on Kimbro. Avenue N. (47th St. N. to 50th St. <br />N.) and 50th St. N. (Kimbro Ave. N. to CSAH 17) and 88-27 Designation <br />as MSA Street Kimbro Avenue N. (43rd St. N. to 47th St. N.) and 43rd <br />St. N. (Kimbro Avenue N. to CSAH 17). (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Letter re: Request for construction of 39th St. <br />City Enginer Bohrer received a letter from the Lake Elmo Business <br />Park, the managing entity for Brockman Addition, stating their <br />intentions for the construction of 39th Street between CSAH 17 and TH <br />5. The developers are requesting that the City Engineer prepare the <br />plans and specifications and coordinate the construction to avoid a <br />duplication in effort. The normal procedure would be for the <br />developers to hire their own engineer to prepare plans, <br />specifications and contract the work. <br />City Engineer Bohrer had no objections to this approach, but since it <br />was different from the past practice, the request requires Council <br />action. These proposed improvements differ from the usual whereby <br />the developer installs improvements becausethis project involves the <br />extension and looping of the city water system. Bohrer felt for this <br />reason it would be advantageous for the City to have the City <br />engineer design the improvement and he directly observe the <br />construction. <br />A Developer's Agreement would be executed and secured by a Letter of <br />Credit or other security, and the developers would pay all <br />engineering and construction costs on a pass -through basis. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong voiced her concern of the developer wanting to <br />