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06-07-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-07-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7, 1988 PAGE 9 <br />use MSA funds for bituminous surfacing of the road. City Engineer <br />Bohrer responded that this was not a state aid designed road so there <br />would be no bituminous overlay with MSA Funding. Rose questioned if <br />all pass -through costs have been paid and by approving this request, <br />it would be starting a precedent. <br />M/S/P Grave/Moe - to instruct the City Administrator, City Engineer <br />and City Attorney to facilitate the 39th Street Improvements for the <br />Brookman Addition and that a Developer's Agreement be executed and <br />secured, and a Letter of Credit for all engineering by the City <br />Engineer, and all construction costs be passed -through to the Lake <br />Elmo Business Park Company. (Motion carried 4-1<Armstrong>). <br />D. Partial Payment #5, Part D, 201 Project <br />City Engineer Bohrer presented for the Council's review the Estimate <br />and Certificate for Partial Payment No. 5 in the amount of <br />$26,842.06. This payment represents sodding, topsoiling and 34th <br />Street paving completed in May. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe - to approve Partial Payment No. 5, for Part D, <br />of the 201 Project to Lake Area Utiltiy Contracting Co., in the <br />amount of $26,842.06. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />10. Proposed Ordinance:' Creating Residential Estates Zoning <br />in certain areas of the City <br />Steve DeLapp, Planning Commission Chairman <br />The Planning Commission provided a draft of an ordinance designating <br />standards for the Residential Estates Floating Zone and a map <br />deliniating the PZ's proposal of properties which would be affected <br />by this floating zoning district. <br />Professional landscaper Bob Engstrom provided examples of how a <br />Residential Estate district could look in Lake Elmo. <br />Councilman Graves questioned the requirement for lots to contain a <br />full circle having a diameter of at least 250' for 2 1/2 acres or <br />350' for 5 acres because the example Mr. Engstrom had all lots did <br />not contain this circle. Graves was not clear on the objective of <br />having this full circle and asked if this could be achieved by some <br />ratio on the lot. PZ Chairman Steve DeLapp responded that the <br />objective was to give more space and some character to the City than <br />what we currently have for the residents. It would also make it <br />easier for the developer to use a PUD without taking awav Council <br />oreogatives. Mr. Engstrom answered the principle was alright. but it <br />does not need to be a requirement. Marqe Williams added that all <br />developers are not as imaginative, therefore. it becomes a <br />requirement for the aualitv of life in the City to have some kind of <br />restrictions. <br />Graves suggested that a requirement should be stated that a lot <br />should not have more than five sides. This would basically avoid <br />gerrvmanderinq of the lots. He questioned the minimum of the 60 foot <br />lot width at the street where 125 feet is required evervwhere else in. <br />
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