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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />asking for permission to raise the existing house and attached garage <br />above the 100 year flood level. The Keane's were granted permission to <br />fill 35 feet out into the lake bed. <br />The Keane's have since sold the home to Mr. Kiesling who has asked for a <br />variance to construct a detached garage. The permits to continue the work <br />that was originally granted to the Keane's have been transferred to Mr. <br />Kiesling, but both the DNR and the VBWD have stated that the transfer is <br />only for what was originally applied for and granted to the Keane's. <br />The house is now at "0" setback and the addition of the garage would not <br />meet the criteria for setbacks from the OHWM or 100 year flood elevation. <br />Also, it appears that the proposed garage would not meet the 20 foot <br />setback from the newly installed "201" mound septic system. Based on this, <br />the VBWD and DNR have recommended denial of this request. <br />A letter was received from Margaret Paul, 9367 Jane Rd. N., stating that <br />approval of this variance would be satisfactory with her. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong stated that the purpose of the Shoreland Ordinance <br />is to regulate construction on shorelands to minimize property damage <br />during periods of high water. The staff will check if the minimum <br />building elevations have changed since the 509 Plan was implemented. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe - to deny the variance/shoreland permit request of <br />Joseph Keisling, 9359 Jane Road N., for setback requirments from the <br />Ordinary high water mark for conversion of an attached garage to living <br />space and construction of an accessory garage based on the following <br />Findings of Fact: (Motion carried 4-0). <br />1. The applicant's representative has stated there was no hardship. <br />2. The conversion of the present garage to living space would alter <br />the present building beyond normal maintenance. This is not allowed <br />in this case. The existing structure is now at "0" setback and <br />according to City Code #301.050B., does not fall in the <br />exception range of allowed alterations. <br />3. The proposed garage would add an additional non -conforming <br />structure to the lot. <br />4. It appears the garage would not meet the 20 foot setback from <br />the newly installed 11201" mound septic system. <br />5. The Department of Natural Resources has recommended denial and <br />both DNR and the Valley Branch Watershed District have made <br />it clear that the permit transferred from the Keanes to Kiesling <br />is for the improvements granted in 1987 only. Those improvements <br />allow for a reasonable use of the property. <br />6. The City Staff has recommended that neither these proposed nor <br />any future variances be allowed on this property based on its <br />close proximity to the lake. <br />