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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1988 PAGE 4 <br />C. Planning Commission Recommendation: <br />Impervious Surface Coverage, General Business District <br />The Council, at their meeting of July 19th requested the Planning <br />Commission review the 20% impervious surface coverage factor in the <br />recently adopted amendment to the General Business Zoning classification. <br />The Planning Commission recommended the maximum density allowed for a <br />commercial development as follows: <br />35% coverage for 1.5 acre lot <br />25% coverage for 1.51 - 5 acres <br />20% coverage for 5.1 acres and over and; <br />to adopt more stringent landscape and architectural design requirements <br />and recommend the PZ review these requirements. <br />Councilman Moe did not want to make it so limited that variance requests <br />would come in for parking. <br />buildin only) amended 9-6-88 <br />M/No Second/ Moe/ - to recommend 5% covNage and let parking be dictated <br />by our code. <br />M/No Second/ Moe/ - to recommend 30% coverage per Mahtomedi <br />M/No Second/ Armstrong/ - to recommend 35% overall coverage. <br />M/No Second/ Johnson/ - to recommend 30% building coverage and let the <br />type of business dictate the size of the parking lot. <br />Since the Council could not come to a consensus, the following motion was <br />made: <br />M/S/P Moe/Armstrong - to table the discussion on Impervious Surface <br />Coverage in the General Business District until the September 6th meeting. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Final Plat: Brockman 3rd Addition <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the Final Plat of Brockman 3rd Addition <br />on August 8th, resulting in a recommendation to approve the Plat, without <br />dedication of the additional 10' as requested by Washington County on Hwy <br />17. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated in his letter dated August 11, 1988 that the <br />Developer has offered to leave the 50 feet dedicated and provide an <br />additional 10 feet of permanent road easement to equal the 60 feet <br />requested by the Council. With the Council's acceptance of this <br />condition, Bohrer recommended that the final plat was ready for approval. <br />When asked about protective covenants, Bruce Folz indicated there were no <br />covenants on this addition. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong suggested the following changes be made on the <br />Resolution: Since this plat had no variances; delete:"or for which <br />requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance were granted variances;"and add <br />