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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1988 PAGE 6 <br />Prior to granting the lot split, there was an easement given to Mr. <br />Friedrich from Mr. Kaiser so that the Friedrich property would not be <br />landlocked. The Council will have to decide as to whether or not this <br />easement to the back property was an indication or acknowledgement that at <br />some point in time another home would be built on the property. If this <br />was the case, should Mr. Friedrich go through the process of applying for <br />another simple lot subdivision or will the original lot split suffice. <br />The Council directed the City staff to invite Joseph Kaiser to the next <br />meeting in order to get his input before any Council action is taken. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Resolution 88-35: <br />Accepting Bid for 1988 Bituminous Overlay Project <br />On August 15, 1988 bids were received for the above referenced project. <br />Five bids were submitted and tabulated as follows: <br />Bidder Total Bid <br />Valley Paving, Inc. $69,248.55 <br />Tower Asphalt, Inc. $69,577.55 <br />Ace Blacktop, Inc. $70,204.80 <br />Alexander Construction $71,248.80 <br />Bituminous Materials, Inc. $72,708.60 <br />Engineer's Estimate $72,407.50 <br />The City Engineer recommended that the work be awarded to the .low bidder, <br />Valley Paving, Inc. in the amount of $69,2.48.55. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Moe - resovled that Resolution 88-35 is hereby approved <br />awarding the bid of $69,248.55 to Valley Paving, Inc. (Shakopee, MN) for <br />the 1988 Bituminous Overlay Project. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Resolution 88-34: <br />Declaring Cost to be Assessed (and Setting Assessment Hearing); <br />1988 Municipal State Aid Improvement (47th Street) <br />The 1988 MSA Project--47th Street and the 1988 Bituminous Overlay Project <br />will be completed shortly and an assessment hearing will be scheduled for <br />Thursday, September 8, 1988 to rule on the proposed assessments. The <br />Council determined that the Unit Method of assessment should be used for <br />the 1988 MSA Project and the 1988 Bituminous Overlay Project. <br />