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08-16-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-16-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1988 PAGE 5 <br />(...providing for the construction of all streets and related improvement <br />to City Standard to be completed within one year,) <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Johnson - resolved that the Council hereby adopts <br />Resolution No. 88-36, as amended, for approval of the Final Plat of <br />Brookman 3rd Addition; contingent upon the developer meeting conditions <br />specified in the City Engineer's letter of 8-11-88; upon providing a <br />letter of credit and an acceptable Developer's agreement; upon payment of <br />park dedication fees and pass-thru costs. <br />Bruce Folz stated that when the land was donated for the new City Hall, <br />the City waived all park dedication fees on the Brookman Addition. The <br />City Staff will check into this and will have the Parks Commission discuss <br />the possibility of increasing the park dedication fees. The Council <br />requested the developer provide an appraised market value of the property. <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - to amend the motion to exclude the park dedication fee <br />because of their donation of land to the City for the new City Hall. <br />(Motion carried 3-1<Armstrong>). <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - resolved that the City Council hereby adopts <br />Resolution No. 88-36, as amended, for approval of the Final Plat of <br />Brookman 3rd Addition; contingent upon the developer meeting conditions <br />specified in the City Engineer's letter of 8-11-88; upon providing a <br />letter of credit and an acceptable Developer's Agreement, upon payment of <br />pass-thru costs; and to exclude the park dedication fee because of their <br />donation of land to the City for the new City Hall. (Motion carried <br />3-1-0<Abstain: Armstrong>). <br />E. Request to Revoke our 87-29 Resolution: Jim Friedrich <br />In March of 1985, the City Council granted a road frontage variance to <br />Joseph Kaiser which enabled him to build a single family residential unit. <br />In June of 1987, Jim Friedrich applied for, and was granted, a simple lot <br />subdivision with the intention of selling the parcel split to Mr. Kaiser. <br />Mr. Friedrich has advised the City that the sale to Mr. Kaiser never went <br />thru. In fact, Mr.. Kaiser never finished his house and it is now on the <br />market. However, the resolution granting this lot split was recorded with <br />Washington County and the parcel split off from the Friedrich property now <br />shows to be part of the Kaiser property --which would be correct had the <br />sale gone through. <br />Mr. Friedrich has asked that this resolution be revoked so that the <br />County's legal description will show the parcel belongs to him and not Mr. <br />Kaiser. Mr. Friedrich has also asked that this parcel be shown as a <br />separate parcel rather than combining it with his parcel, as was the case <br />originally. Mr. Friedrich would like to be able to sell this parcel as a <br />separate building site, provided it meets all code requirements for <br />septic, setback, etc. <br />Mr. Friedrich and the person who is interested in purchasing the existing <br />Kaiser house would eliminate the private road access to the property over <br />Mr. Friedrich's property and propose to enter off of Stillwater Blvd. as <br />do the other homes in the area. <br />
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