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Jim Douglas property, 8001 50th St.: Larry Bohrer, Councilman Don Moe, <br />Dan Olinger, Mike Bouthilet and I viewed the Douglas property on September <br />8th. Larry discussed the need for a culvert as soon as possible after <br />fill is placed to eliminate drainage problems. It was determined by tho(_ <br />present the trees, in area. approximately 8-10' from the roadway should be <br />cleared; Dan and Mike demonstrated safety problems and difficulty of <br />sanding wih overhanging trees; all trees to be removed were marked and <br />were all box elder trees, except one, which is a soft red maple. Mr. <br />Douglas will work with the City during fill process. <br />Planning Commission Agenda: Enclosed is your copy of the Planning <br />Commission Agenda, which items will be before Council on September 20th. <br />Lee Hunt, during our RE Committee meeting, suggested a joint meeting of <br />Council, Planning Commission and staff to discuss general direction and <br />goals of the City. <br />