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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />A "White Wolf" sign is existing and was installed without the <br />necessary permit and the sign is believed to be over our maximum <br />allowed square footage of 200 sq.ft. per sign. White Wolf has been <br />notified of the violation. Steve, from White Wolf, stated he called <br />the City Office and was told the 3.9 ft. high sign he proposed was <br />acceptable and he did not need a permit. Naegle Signs installed his <br />sign. Administrator Morrison stated Naegle Signs has installed signs <br />in the City before and they know our sign ordinance requires a permit. <br />Steve, owner of White Wolf, stated he has plans for combining both <br />businesses, North Country and White Wolf, and move it into the D.C. <br />Sales Building. The Building Official warned him to check with the <br />City before he decides to add a sign for North Country. <br />Steve DeLapp, Planning Commission Chairman, read the minutes when D.C. <br />Sales requested their building addition, stated their intent of this <br />addition was to be used as a warehouse for their products. The owner <br />has occupied the building for several years along with two tenants, <br />White Wolf Ski Shop and BRS, Inc. The proposed building addition will <br />meet the expansion needs of D.C. Sales and the White Wolf Company. <br />DeLapp explained that the addition of tenants and five store fronts is <br />totally outside of their application that was before the Planning <br />Commission and City Council. <br />- A representative from D.C. Sales was not present therefore, the <br />Council suggested tabling this public hearing until D.C. Sales could <br />be present. D.C. Sales will be notified of the public hearing. <br />M/S/P Moe/Armstrong - to table the public hearing, until the October <br />4th Council meeting, for a variance to the number of signs fot D.C. <br />Sales, 9240 Hudson Blvd. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Charles Taylor, 4677 Birchbar.k Tr. <br />Shoreland Permit & Setback Variance from High Water Mark <br />Mayor Christ called the public hearing to order at 8:20 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. <br />Charles Taylor, 4677 Birchbark Trail, is requesting a shor.eland permit <br />and variance from the setback from the Ordinary High Water Mark. The <br />purpose of this request is to allow the applicant to construct an 18' <br />x 26' addition to the South of the existing structure which is not <br />towards the lake. <br />The City Engineer and DNR have reviewed this application. Since the <br />addition does not increase the existing non-conformancy, they would <br />recommend that a variance and shoreland permit be granted. <br />There was no one to speak for or against the application. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:23 p.m. <br />