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09-20-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-20-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 PAGE 6 <br />i Mr. Madson, who was unavailable for this Council meeting, but can <br />appear at a later meeting, had submitted the recommendations from the <br />Committee. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to table the Water System Advisory Committee Report <br />until the October 4th City Council meeting. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />9. Striping of Streets <br />Mayor Christ has talked to several of his neighbors and they do not <br />want 36th Street striped because of its general local nature and due <br />to the fact it is a dead-end street. <br />Larry Bohrer stated the City adopted a policy for striping streets on <br />August of 1987. The City will stripe center line stripes on all <br />streets classified as collectors on the City's functional <br />classification map and to provide center line striping on those local <br />streets which due to some standard width or limited visabili.ty would <br />benefit from such striping. Two calls have been received requesting <br />that 42nd St., between Lake Jane Trail and Jamaca, not be striped. <br />This (42nd Street) is classified as a collector street on our <br />functional classification map. Therefore, Bohrer recommended we <br />continue to follow our policy and r.estripe 42nd Street. <br />Bohrer stated the was a reason for recommending 36th Street to striped <br />was that there was a fairly steep hill by Arlyn's driveway and trees <br />and bushes along the street could cause cars to swurve over the <br />centerline. Also, the centerline stripe does aid the maintenance crew <br />when they are snowplowing. The City Attorney was asked to comment on <br />the City's liability if there is no striping. <br />The Council decided no striping be done subject to a legal opinion <br />stating there is no liability on behalf of the City for not striping <br />on the local street and a petition is signed by 75% of the residents <br />on 36th Street and 37th Street requesting their streets not be <br />striped. If the legal opinion comes back that there is some kind of <br />liability, these streets will be striped. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adjourn the City Council meeting at 8:30 p.m. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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