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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1988 PAGE 2 <br />t" Dan handed out for the Council's consideration a draft of the proposed <br />referendum ballot, a general information brochure and a referendum <br />action item schedule. <br />Councilman Graves asked that the coverletter be more concise and <br />direct. Councilman Johnson expressed his concern on using the entire <br />content of the written letter and asked if approval was given by the <br />author to use excerpts of her letter. Novak responded that they have <br />not, as yet, received approval. Johnson asked the Committee to make <br />sure their writing was factual and there was no legal ramifications. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong suggested the following wording be added in the <br />cover letter: "expend funds in an amount up to $50,000 in each of the <br />years, 1989 through 1992" and add "one of the ways" in which to oppose <br />this dump. In the sample ballot, the Council suggested adding: "If <br />the landfill is defeated without expenditure of funds, prior to <br />collection of these funds the City will not continue to collect them." <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to approve the Sample Ballot of the Landfill <br />Referendum and the entire informational packet; subject to inclusion <br />of "expend funds in an amount up to $50,000 in each of the years, 1989 <br />through 1992" and "one of the ways" in which to oppose the dump in the <br />coverletter and also add a paragraph in the Sample Ballot stating <br />"once the process is stopped, the money will no longer be collected". <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />Since this is a City referendum, REAPP felt it would be appropriate <br />for the City to host the informational meeting scheduled for October <br />30th, 7:30 p.m., at City Hall. REAPP will assist in any way they can <br />and will be ready to answer questions. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to approve the City General Informational <br />meeting on Sunday, October 30t.h, 7:30 p.m. held at the City Council <br />chambers to discuss the landfill referendum. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Graves informed the Council that he has a business trip <br />scheduled, but not confirmed, at this time. <br />Congratulations were extended to two REAPP members, Rita Conlin and <br />Margaret. Carlson, for receiving a Certificate of Achievement from the <br />Governor. (Community Access Month) for their performance in Programming <br />on Civic Issues (landfill video presented by REAPP at the County <br />Fair). Co -Chairman Todd Williams offered the Certificate to the <br />Council to be displayed in City Hall.. <br />5. ADOPTION OF 1989 BUDGET: Resolution No. 88-45 <br />At the September 20th meeting, the Council directed the Finance <br />Director to increase the building permits revenue to balance the <br />budget to allow for an increase in the Administrator's salary. <br />