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10-04-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-04-88 CCM
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LAKE: ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />This directive was accomplished as follows: <br />Building Permit. Increase add $2,260 <br />Sewer Permit Increase add 200 <br />Increase Licenses and Permits Review $2,460 <br />Administrator's Salary add $2,2.00 <br />Benefit -Pensions 11.82% add 260 <br />of salary <br />Councilman Johnson pointed out that the budget has increased over the <br />1988 Budget, but it should be noted that the actual expenditures in <br />1987 and 1986 were more than what was budgeted this year. The Council <br />pointed out the Budget was particularly frugile in 1988. The 1989 <br />Budget is still a frugile budget, and in comparison with the years <br />1987 and 1986 actually represents a decrease over those two years. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe -• to adopt Resolution 88-45 adopting the 1989 Budget <br />for the City of Lake Elmo, as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING <br />A. Large Lot Subdivision, Lawrence & Florence Kleis <br />9241 60th St. N., Resolution No. 88-46 <br />The Planning Commission, at their meeting of September 26th <br />recommended Council approval of the large lot subdivision contingent <br />on the conditions listed in their minutes. <br />Lawrence and Florence Kleis are requesting a large lot subdivision and <br />a variance to the 300 foot road frontage requirement in the Rural <br />Residential (RR) Zoning District in order to sell 40 acres. It was <br />noted that the 55th Street cul-de-sac, from which access to this <br />property will be gained (only one driveway from cul-de-sac), is <br />already at almost the maximum 800 ft. length. Therefore, if the <br />purchaser of this property would ever consider development of this <br />property, an improved road would have to be constructed so that <br />somehow it would become a through street not just a continuation of <br />55th Street. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 88-46 approving the Large Lot <br />Subdivision as requested by Lawrence and Florence Kleis, 9241 60th <br />St. N., generally dividing off 40 acres, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />(1) park dedication of $250.00 for the newly created lot; <br />(2) the applicant provide a survey showing a legal description for <br />the newly created lot and a legal description for the remaining <br />Kleis property which should not include any exceptions, but an <br />up-to-date legal; <br />(3) the purchaser work with the Building Official when the road is <br />put in so that it can be determined if and where a culvert should <br />be placed. <br />and, further that a variance from frontage requirements (off the 55th <br />St. Cul-de-sac) is hereby granted based on the hardship due to the <br />existing cul-de-sac. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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