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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1988 PAGE 4 <br />B. Final Plat; Firefly - Tony Maistrovich <br />Resolution No. 88-47 <br />The Planning Commission at their meeting of September. 26th recommended <br />Council approval of the Final Plat of Firefly; contingent upon payment <br />of the park dedication fee for the residue lot. <br />Bruce Folz presented the Final Plat for a one -lot subdivision which <br />included the legal description. Larry Bohrer had reviewed this final <br />plat and had no problems or concerns with it, but asked about the <br />overlap that showed up in the preliminary plat between Maistrovich and <br />the Skalbeck property to the South. Folz responded that they took the <br />title boundary that exists and physically on the ground there was a 13 <br />ft. differential between the survey that was done before and the <br />section corners today. Mr. Maistrovich will quit claim deed this 13 <br />ft. strip over to Mr. Skalbeck. Folz added that on paper title it <br />would not show up as a parcel, but on the ground it physically does. <br />This portion will be remonumente.d when they stake the plat. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adopt Resolution No. 88-47 approving the Final <br />Plat of Firefly, generally located off Lake Jane Road North, for Tony <br />and Alice Maistrovich at 8880 Jane Road N.; contingent upon payment of <br />the $250.00 park dedication fee for the residue lot. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING Continuation: D.C. Sales, 9240 Hudson Blvd. <br />Variance to number of Signs <br />D.C. Sales has requested a delay for two weeks. <br />D. Park Dedicaion Fees <br />1. Resolution No. 88-48, Setting Park Dedication Fee <br />2. Proposed Ordinance, Amending Section 401.400 of City Code <br />The Parks Commission, at their meeting of September 19th, unanimously <br />recommended the proposed amendment to the park dedication requirements <br />by increasing the park dedication fee, for all subdivisions in all <br />zoning districts to $450 lot or 10% of gross land area. <br />The Planning Commission also at their meeting of 9/26 recommended <br />Council adoption of the above referenced amendments. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution No. 88-48, a Resolution <br />Designating Payment of Fee in Lieu of Park Land Donation, Under the <br />Provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance, and further that the City <br />Attorney and staff are hereby directed to draft the Ordinance amending <br />Section 401.400 of the Municipal Code for public hearing before the <br />Council. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Proposed Ordinance: Residential Estates <br />The ad hoc committee's draft ordinance proposal was submitted to the <br />Planning Commission at their 9/26 meeting for review and <br />recommendation to Council. City Attorney Knaak provided his analysis <br />