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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1988 PAGE 2 <br />requested the Council draft an ordinance mandating yard waste <br />separation. The waste haulers that work within the City will have <br />time to find alternate ways of disposing of uncontaminated yard waste. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to direct the City staff to prepare an <br />Ordinance Mandating Yard Waste Separation. (Motion carried, 4-0). <br />Some recyclers are having problems with people collecting recyclables; <br />particularly aluminum cans. An ordinance was requested for <br />prohibiting scavenging of recyclables. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe -• to direct the City Staff to prepare an Ordinance <br />Prohibiting Scavenging of Recyclables. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />A request was made for an ordinance requiring that park users, such as <br />Huff & Puff, ball teams, family gatherings, provide and abide by <br />beverage container separation. This could be enforced as most users <br />of the park must first reserve it to guarantee its availability. The <br />City could provide the containers and even dispose of the contents <br />just as long as the cans are separated. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the City Staff to prepare an Ordinance <br />Requiring Container Separation in our City Parks. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />Chairman Dunn requested that. the Committee have the opportunity to <br />draft the three ordinances, with staff and attorney review; the <br />Council concurred. The Council also encouraged the City to use <br />recycled paper when prudent to do so. <br />6. Presentation & Discussion on Tax Law: J. Scott Renne, <br />Wash. Cty Assess.; Frank Langer, Lake Elmo Assessor <br />Scott Renee, Wash. Cty Assessor, provided books on new tax information <br />for the City Council. Renee updated the Council on the change of the <br />new tax terminology, changes in the Homestead Credit and how the <br />Cities will be affected by this. He will ensure our Board of Review <br />procedures are followed; two meetings to be held with a quorum <br />consisting of 3 members and advised Council can delegate this <br />responsibility by resolution. <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. Final Plat: Creekside on DeMontreville (Crombie) <br />(formerly F.J. Crombie, 2nd Addition) <br />At their. October 24th meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval of the Creekside on DeMontreville Final Plat, <br />formerly F.J. Crombie Estates 2nd Addition, based on the eight <br />conditions, as set by the Council, being addressed and adherred to by <br />the Final Plat. <br />i <br />` In Larry Bohrer's report, dated October 21, 1988, he stated that the <br />proposed final plat is in accordance with the approved preliminary <br />plat and Conditions #1 and #6 of. the Council's approval have been met. <br />