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11-01-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-01-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />Bruce Folz requested placement of "no parking" signs along the new <br />street. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adopt Resolution No. 88-50 granting final plat <br />approval to Creekside on DeMontreville, contingent upon applicant <br />entering into a developer's agreement with the City; and contingent <br />upon applicant paying a park dedication fee of $2.50 for each newly <br />created lot, and to include placement of "no parking" signs along the <br />new street. (Motion carried 3-0-1<Abstain: Johnson:abstained because <br />of a conflict of interest; a member of the Crombie family, who is <br />objecting to this plat, is a personal friend>). <br />B. Shoreland Permit: 8431 Deer Pond Trail N., Oliver Anderson <br />Oliver Anderson, 8431 Deer Pond Trail N, is requesting a shoreland <br />permit to construct a 12' x 20' addition to an existing accessory <br />structure (garage). With this addition to the accessory structure, it <br />will still be below the 1000 sq.ft. size limitation for accessory <br />structures in the R1 zoning district. Also, setback requirements have <br />been met so no variances are required. <br />The DNR had no problem with this application, nor did our City <br />Engineer. <br />The Council felt the 2.0 year old existing structure was grandfathered <br />in and was existing before the channel. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to grant a shoreland permit to Oliver Anderson at <br />8431 Deer Pond Trail to construct a 12' x 20' addition to an existing <br />accessory structure based on the fact that existing structure was <br />grandfathered in and there before the channel; with this addition, it <br />will still be below the 1000 sq.ft. size limitation for accessory <br />structures in the R1 zoning district; and, the addition meets all <br />setback requirements and no variances are required. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />C. Site Plan Review: Northwestern Bell (Co. Rd. 70 & 13B) <br />At their October 24th meeting, the Planning Commission raised concerns <br />around the projected growth statements made by the applicant; the <br />implication of approving this projected growth if this site plan was <br />recommended for approval; the zoning standards (RR) not being met with <br />placement of this equipment storage building on this site. <br />Extracts of minutes were provided indicating two like buildings have <br />been placed in the community with Council approval of site plans; <br />Northwestern Bell building in the Old Village by the railroad tracks <br />and the other, NSP building off Hwy. 36, also an RR zone. <br />Alma Fitzloff, Asst. Manager -Real Estate, had submitted a set of site <br />plans for a new 19 x 32 feet (608 sq.ft.) Northwestern Bell telephone <br />building on County Road No. 70 or Inwood Avenue at a cost of <br />$70,000-$100,000. Their engineering forecasts show development is <br />scheduled within the area this telephone building would serve and are <br />
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