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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1988 PAGE. 2 <br />REAPP has met wth Senator Merriam who said he was unsure what he <br />wanted to do and suggested they contact Rep. Long who has now been <br />promoted to the Chairman of the House Tax Committee. It was suggested <br />by Gov. Perpich's lobbyist to wait until committees and chairmanships <br />have been decided in the House, but REAPP should contact other cities <br />that have landfill. sites and develop some type of coalition and get <br />all. the cities and their County Commissioners involved in the <br />recycling effort. <br />6. Solid Waste Committee Report <br />Bruce Dunn, Chairman of the Solid Waste Committee, asked for Council <br />consensus on a garage sale planned for the Spring. Items will be <br />donated and proceeds wi.l.l. be given to the recycling effort. The <br />Council gave their consensus to proceed with the garage sale. <br />The Council gave verification to proceed with buying containers with <br />the $5,000 grant from Washington County. Dunn explained that details <br />have not been worked out, but thought these containers will. be sold at <br />half price ($5-$6) and be made available at City Hall where addresses <br />of purchasers will be recorded. A. 1989 grant application from the <br />County is now in process. Councilman Johnson explained the Solid <br />Waste Committee examined the possibility of using these containers to <br />get people involved who are not now recycling. Once people see the <br />colorful containers out on the street, it will generate more interest. <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance, OHWM Setback & Shoreland Permit <br />Roger Beaubien and Everett Beaubien <br />The Council decided that Roger Beaubien's shoreland permit could be <br />issued for the 37 acre tract on the west side of Kelvin Avenue, zoned <br />RR, because no variances were required. There was sufficient land for <br />a septic system and two drainfi.eld sites. The proposed structures are <br />approximately 300 ft. from the high water mark of Sunfish Lake and <br />well above the high water mark in elevation. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve the Shoreland Permit for a 37 acre tract <br />on the west side of Kelvin Avenue owned by Roger Beaubien. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />Acting -Mayor Armstrong opened up the public hearing at 7,:26 p.m. in <br />the City Council. chambers. The purpose of the hearing was to consider <br />a shoreland ordinance variance by E. Beaubien. <br />At the last City Council meeting, the requests of Roger and Everett <br />Beaubien were tabled until a public: hearing could be called and to <br />provide the applicants an opportunity to explain the hardship for the <br />variance. A copy was provided of the resolution approving the <br />subdivision (tract C originally contained 8.1.93 acre and the Council <br />allowed that to be split into 2 parcels - one being 2.972 acres and <br />( the other 5.2.21 a.cres).Tract A-1 and tract A are in one ownership and <br />there is a house on the property. <br />