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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1988 PAGE 3 <br />Bohrer reported that since that time, the staff has done additional <br />research and found the subdivision creating the 5 acre lot with only <br />33 feet of road frontage was granted by the City. The only variance <br />that remains is the Shoreland Ordinance variance for structure setback <br />from the NOIIW. <br />City Engineer Bohrer pointed out a discrepancy in the measurement of <br />the proposed setback. A survey prepared by Delmar Schwanz shows the <br />proposed house location and shoreline on October 17, 1988..The survey <br />did not show the elevation of the shoreline. VBWD reports list the <br />water elevation of Sunfish lake on October 1, 1988 to be 896.22. The <br />DNR's NOHW is 896.4; therefore, the shoreline shown on the survey is <br />for all practical purposes the NOHW. From the drawing provided, <br />Bohrer scaled 82 feet from the southeast corner of the house to the <br />shoreline. Roger Beaubien said that he field measured the distance <br />closer to 7.50 feet. <br />Bohrer explained Sunfish Lake is classified as a "Natural Environment <br />Lake" with a setback requirement of 200 feet from the ordinary high <br />water mark as opposed to the 100 foot setback required on a lake with <br />a classification of. "Recreational Development" such as Lake Jane, <br />DeMontreville and Olson. <br />Roger Beaubien stated his hardship was the topography of the land. The <br />site chosen for the homesite is the highest site and it is the only <br />practical site for the home (64' x 34'). The septic system would go <br />down the slope and the City Engineer stated there was sufficient room, <br />if done correctly, to meet all the setbacks. There is 2 1./2 acres of <br />dry land and Washington County soils survey indicate the land should <br />be suitable for septic system purposes. <br />Armstrong closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong visited the site and found the topography to be <br />a hardship and stated it was a buildable lot. The house is protected <br />from the lake being tucked back into the corner, no potential <br />pollution problem to the lake from the septic system based on the <br />topography, soils are adequate for a septic system, and it is a legal <br />lot of record (April 20, 1982 City Council minutes approving the <br />subdivision). <br />Todd Williams stated this property was; ideally suited for an earth <br />shelter house which could be put into the side of the hill and meet <br />all the setback requirements. Mr. Beaubien responded they looked into <br />this, but they would lose the view and it would move the house down <br />15 feet and would not gain any distance. Bohrer presented a map, <br />showing a small colored portion that would only meet the 200' setback; <br />therefore a variance is needed irregardless of reasonable house <br />placement. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to approve a shoreland ordinance variance for <br />the 5.2 acre parcel from the 200' NOHW of Sunfish Lake for a placement <br />( of a home by Everett E. Beaubien based on the hardship of the <br />topography of the land. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />