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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MARCH 21, 1989 PAGE 8 <br />7. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIR <br />FIRE CHIEF FRAN POTT <br />Fire Chief Fran Pott requested authorization to proceed with the following <br />building maintenance repair items: <br />Station #1 : $1,200 Replacement of Windows <br />4,800 Partial Reroofing <br />700 Separation Wall for office area <br />Station 02: $3,000 Floor for Station 2 <br />Finance Director Marilyn Banister reported the reroofing will be taken out <br />of the the Capital Reserve for the Fire Dept. and payment of the other <br />maintenance items are within budget. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that the Council hereby approves authorization <br />for the Fire Chief to proceed with maintenance repair as outlined in his <br />Memorandum of March 16, 1989. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. REQUST FOR CHANGE TO SNOWMOBILE TRAIL <br />RON SMITH <br />Mr. Smith did not appear before the Council to discuss the problems he has <br />experienced with snowmobile damage to his property. He did request <br />relocation of the trail so as not to have the problems continue. <br />Administrator Morrison has talked to Steve Pott, Wash. County Sheriff <br />Deputy, and he suggested working with the Wash. Cty Star Trail Association <br />for better marking of the trail in hopes this would eliminate the problem <br />being experienced by Mr. Smith. <br />The Council recommended that the Administrator, Deputy Steve Pott and Ron <br />Smith meet with representatives of the Star Trail Assn. to remedy this <br />concern. <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. CITY WELL MAINTENANCE REPORT <br />Larry Bohrer reported the City's Municipal Well Pump is removed <br />periodically for inspection and maintenance. The last pump maintenance <br />was performed in 1982 and the next scheduled maintenance is in 1989. The <br />schedule called for the work to be done Monday, March 20, 1989 during <br />which time the well pump was removed and the water system continued to <br />operate from the Municipal water tank. Due to the extent of wear on the <br />old pump, a new pump was installed, with the old pump being retained as an <br />emergency backup. Also, when maintenance is done again, the old pump will <br />be used to continue water service, allowing the maintenance to be done <br />properly during regular working hours. <br />When the final bill comes in, Bohrer will have a complete written report <br />for the Council at the next meeting. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />