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CITY OF <br />LAKE <br />ELMO City o1g Lake Elmo 777-5510 <br />i <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North / lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042 <br />April 18, 1989 <br />FIRE CHIEF FRAN POTT <br />MEMBERS OF THE LAKE ELMO VOLITTITEER FIRE DEPT. <br />I wish to extend to each of you my sincere appreciation <br />and gratitude for the fine service you provide to the <br />community. I know the balance of the Council, the City <br />Staff and residents of our City share my thoughts. <br />Thank you for your dedication .and hard work; we are all <br />justifiably proud of our Lake Elmo Volunteer Fire Dent. <br />and the contribution each of you make to the City. <br />Sincerely, <br />Susan Dunn <br />Mayor <br />