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04-18-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-18-89 CCM
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LAKE, ELMO CITY. COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1.989 PAGE 7 <br />j preparation fees. <br />M/S/P Moe/Williams - resolved that the Council hereby approves the bid of <br />Johnson Motor Co. in the amount of $10,468.99 for the one -ton public works <br />truck and that the bid of Crysteel Equipment, in the amount of $9,486.00, <br />is hereby approved for the equipment package consisting of, in accordance <br />with the specifications, and in compliance with the Public Works Capital <br />Improvement Plan, as approved with the 1989 Budget and to include the <br />accessory package of $854. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. BUILDING INSP/CODE ENF. OFFICER REPORT: <br />A. Report on Cozy Cove Motel <br />Upon receiving a police report and numerous reports, Jim .McNamara reported <br />he retagged d kC� yaCove Motel owned by Elmer Haase for disrepair of the <br />property and^p an or cleanup and structural repair to the building. Jim <br />informed the Council that he did receive a call from a person interested <br />in buying the property, however, no sale has been made. At the time, Jim <br />has not heard from Mr. Hasse and believes the property and buildings are a <br />nuisance and health hazard to the public. Therefore Jim recommended the CC <br />instruct our attorney to bring condemnation proceedings against this <br />property. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement <br />Officer, and the City's Attorney, are hereby authorized to proceed with <br />the necessary legal action toward condemnation of. the Cozy Cove Motel, in <br />accordance with the recommendation of the Building Insp/CEO. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />B. Update on Misc. Actions <br />Building Official Jim McNamara g*,e the following updates: <br />Hammes Mining: With the help of Tom Haugen, Wash. County, Hammes Mining <br />completed this morning their last stipulation which was to burn ' the wood <br />(tree trunks,etc.) After-- the burn, they will spread the ashesaround and <br />cover it. <br />Rocking L Trailer Sales: Jim has spoke to Dr. Cindy Wolf, Univ of MN, and <br />found that llamas are considered grazing -type animals, basically <br />commercially fed, and relatively clean animals. These llamas are rasied <br />as pets and are show animals. Wolf did not address density, but Jim <br />stated he will come up with density guidelines for our code. <br />Gordon Bjornson Violation: Jim will be meeting on April 19th with Mr. <br />Bjornson and his attorney regarding a dumping violation on Mr. Bjornson's <br />property to determine if all has been properly cleaned up. <br />Joe Gould Violation: A lawsuit is pending on this property concerning the <br />lack of slope, lack of vegetation on the slope going down toward the pond. <br />Mr. Gould was given 10-days to have the slope to properly seeded with silt <br />screening to prevent erosion into the pond. At the end of the 10-days Jim <br />will make an inspection to determine if these requirements have been met. <br />
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