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04-18-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-18-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 PAGE 8 <br />C. Purchase of Camera <br />Jim McNamara has requested purchasing a camera, up to $250, by the City <br />for City use only. When ordinance violations occur and pictures of <br />violations are necessary for prosecution, Jim would have to get his camera <br />from home. <br />Councilman Williams was in favor of purchasing a camera, but had a concern <br />this expenditure of $250 would significantly deplete the Building Official <br />supply budget that could create a problem later on. <br />M/S/P/ Williams/Graves - resolved that the Building Insp/Code Enf. Officer <br />is hereby authorized to purchase a camera for use in conjunction with City <br />business, in an amount not to exceed $250, said funds to be expended at <br />the recommendation of the budget director. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Review of Fill. Permit:White Hat Restaurant <br />The City Council and staff have received inquiries on the status of the <br />fill pile south of the White Hat. A number of inquiries came in when the <br />City had the snow melt this spring and residents had some concern the pile <br />was blocking the drainage. Bohrer indicated the dirt pile was not <br />blocking the drainage. <br />According to Page 5 of the September 20, 1.988 Council minutes, a motion <br />was made to approve a fill permit f � e White Hat Restaurant for 20,000 <br />cu.yds. of fill with further reviewA n £he eftd--e£-the spring. Under this <br />authority, Bohrer explained, is why we are reviewing it again in the <br />Spring. Also pointed out in the minutes was Mr. Gorman stating his septic <br />system will be relocated, and after the first of the year, he will pursue <br />his building permit --and he has not. <br />In Larry Bohrer's opinion, this 20,000 cu.yds. of fill should not be <br />stockpiled unless there is a firm plan on what he is planning on doing <br />with the fill or what the end product is going to be. Also, the statement <br />for further review again in the spring coincides with Mr. Gorman's intent <br />46 to apply for a building permit after the first of the year which would <br />require a full site plan. In Bohrer's review letter, dated June 19, 1987, <br />he stated final determination could not be made because there was <br />information lacking. The application was never taken any further than <br />that. <br />The filling continues without bringing forth of the site plan and the <br />building permit application, which may not have been a condition of the <br />Sept. 1988 permit, but it was offered, stated Larry Bohrer. The permit was <br />granted partially on the assumption that this site plan and building <br />application would be forthcoming with the filling operation. We see the <br />filling operation continue, but we don't see any movement on the site <br />plan. <br />( Mr. Gorman had called Engineer Bohrer to let him know he would not be <br />present at the meeting because of a conflict. Bohrer told him at that <br />time he felt uncomfortable with the 20,000 cu.yds. of fill without a final <br />plan being in place. Gorman answered he was moving ahead, but had no real <br />
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