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04-18-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-18-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 1989 PAGE 5 <br />(! the Comp Plan to include these Rl developments. <br />Mayor Dunn asked Bob Engstrom and Bruce Folz if they would consider <br />waiting two weeks, until after the PZ meeting and their worksession on <br />April 25th. Mr. Engstrom answered he was going to make a formal request <br />tonight to postpone action on his concept plan. Mr. Folz responded they <br />have waited a year and felt the Council needed to make a decision because <br />he felt according to our ordinances and the Council's motion, Mr. Peltier <br />has not been denied their rezoning <br />Councilman Williams stated action had been taken by the Council on the <br />rezoning request by Gene Peltier. The Council did not approve the <br />rezoning request and, according to our code, the applicant has the right <br />to reapply in six months. <br />Councilman Hunt added that no formal action is needed on the Engstrom <br />concept plan. This plan can be brought back up at the next City Council <br />meeting, but noted this did not guarantee a four -fifths vote needed for <br />approval of a rezoning. <br />D. Shoreland Permit: <br />(1) Ronald Gritzmaker, 7851 50th St. <br />Shoreline Sand Placement <br />Mr. Ronald Gritzmaker, 7851 50th St., has applied for a 50' x 50' sand <br />blanket for in front of his house on Lake Olson. The DNR, VBWD and the <br />City Engineer have reviewed this application and had no problem or <br />concerns with the request. <br />M/S/P Moe/Hunt - to approve a shorel.and permit for Ronald Gritzmaker, 7851 <br />50th Street, to allow him to place sand over a 100' area in front of his <br />house and leave the rest of the area in its natural state. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />E. Resolution Opposing Oakdale Comp Plan Amendment <br />The PZ, at their meeting of April loth, after reviewing Oakdale's <br />amendment to their Comp Plan, which would allow for extension of the MUSA <br />Line to allow for development of Olson Lakes Estates, recommended Council <br />adoption of their Resolution 89-B. A copy of this resolution was <br />delivered to the staff of the Met Council on April. 13th with a copy sent <br />to the Oakdale Administrator. <br />The following changes were made: <br />WHEREAS, the available nearby recreational facilities needed to serve the <br />proposed area are all in Lake Elmo and are heavily used by Lake Elmo <br />residents, <br />WHEREAS, wildlife habitat is part of the City of Lake Elmo Ecosystem and <br />wetlands, would be damaged, and <br />WHEREAS, the quality of life for current residents of the surrounding area <br />will be adversely affected. <br />
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