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06-20-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-20-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1989 PAGE 3 <br />by creating a limited conditional use permit in both the R1 and RR <br />zoning categories. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to grant a temporary variance until the <br />September 5, 1989 City Council meeting to allow a commercially <br />licensed vehicle to park overnight in the RI Zoning District to R. J. <br />Linnel.l, 9402 Stillwater Blvd., in order to give staff a chance to <br />review the information on possible code modifications submitted by the <br />City Attorney. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Variance for lot size and road frontage <br />(Continued: Mildred Meier) <br />At the June 6, 1989 meeting, the Council tabled this application for <br />the purpose of allowing the applicant time to negotiate with <br />neighboring property owners for possible purchase of this property. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to remove this application from the table for <br />Council consideration. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The Council received a letter, dated June 13, 1.989, from Mildred M. <br />Meier withdrawing her request for variances on Lots 132-140, 159-167, <br />463 and 464, 673 and 674 Lanes DeMontreville Country Club Addition. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to accept the applicant, Mildred Meier's, <br />letter, dated June 13, 1989, request for withdrawal of her variance(s) <br />application. (Motion carried. 4-0). <br />C. Amendment to CUP for Completion of Stage I Greenhouse <br />•Construction. <br />Linder Greenhouse, Inc. <br />The Planning Commission, at their meeting of June 12th, unanimously <br />recommended approval of the Amendment to this Conditional Use Permit. <br />Rob Linder, Linder Greenhouse, Inc., has requested an amendment to his <br />CUP for completion of Stage I, greenhouse construction. Linder <br />advised the Council that the treeline and the ponding is completed and <br />the greenhouse will not be seen because of the treeline. The City <br />Engineer will review the ponding when constructed. <br />Linder added they are covered under every agricultural law under the <br />state. As a rule, most Ag businesses, being farms, are not required <br />to get building permits and are allowed any structure that they need <br />for the production of their product. Linder added they have gone along <br />with whatever the City has requested --most farmers don't bother asking <br />the City, they just go ahead and build. <br />Based on the size of the structure(s) that are there now, Councilman <br />Williams felt this total. development is way out of scale from what he <br />would like to see. A series of buildings this size is not consistent <br />with our ideas of open spaces normally associated with agricultural <br />use. You can see the existing building from the park, but, hopefully, <br />when the trees grow up along 15th Street this would not be quite so <br />obvious. <br />
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