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06-20-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-20-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />provided to Washington County as part of its Grant requirements. The <br />County has approved this plan and the City has received the $5000. <br />In regard to the survey that will be conducted, Councilman Graves <br />stated he was in favor of trying to encourage residents to participate <br />in recycling, but felt the results would be more accurate if the study <br />was run under real conditions-- which is looking at the participation <br />rate of those who buy the containers. <br />M/S/P Graves/ - to authorize expenditure of $5000 (amount of <br />grant funds requested) for purchasing recycling containers. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />Chairman Dunn advised the Council the Solid Waste Committee has <br />discussed organized collection. If the government was going to manage <br />solid waste effectively, Dunn felt they would have to have organized <br />collection. Councilman Graves asked "why do we have to have organized <br />collection if we feel we have an acceptable situation today". Dunn <br />responded that this was the only way you are going to manage the solid <br />waste ---it gives more teeth to the hauler. Councilman Hunt asked for <br />information on how cities are addressing large scale solid waste. <br />5. REAPP REPORT <br />ReAPP member, Teddie Carlson, pointed out problems with the structure <br />of Genereux's questionaire; such as the data base was very small, <br />interviews lasted a little over a week in March and wasn't able to get <br />a good cross-section of different types of skiers. ReAPP has <br />contacted. Rossana Rae Armson, Asst. Dir., MN Ctr, for Survey Res., <br />Univ of MN, requesting she write a letter stating what she thinks is <br />wrong with the survey at a charge of $25/hr. (appox. 2 hours) to write <br />a response letter. If the City could pay this, it would be reimbursed <br />thru the Waste Management Act -(See applicable Statement #2, Page 2). <br />ReAPP also requests, at a cost of $300, Ms. Armson be present at <br />meetings between them and John Genereux. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to authorize up to $50 for Treparation for <br />letter and up to $300 for future activities by Rosanna Armson in <br />relation to the EIS Reviews. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. Variance to allow commercialy licensed vehicle in R-1 Zone <br />(Continued: R.J. Linnell) <br />This application was tabled at the last Council meeting, with the <br />applicant being granted a temporary variance until this meeting. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to remove this application off the table for. <br />Council consideration. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />In his letter dated June 16, 1989, City Attorney Knaak recommended <br />J that the Council consider granting the applicant another temporary <br />variance until a meeting in August or September to give the staff time <br />to review the Attorney's conclusion that this matter can be addressed <br />
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