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PROCLAMATI <br />WHEREAS, the St. Croix Area United Way was established to promote <br />the concept of united giving for health, education, and social <br />service, and supports twenty-eight different agencies with only one <br />fund drive each year; and <br />WHEREAS, the St. Croix Area United Way continuously screens and <br />examines participating agencies to ensure a maximum of service at a <br />minimum of cost to the communities involved; and <br />WHEREAS, the services provided these communities are both <br />preventive and problem -solving in nature and help limit tax support of <br />unmet human needs; and <br />WHEREAS, last year approximately 25,000 persons benefited <br />directly from services funded by the St. Croix Area United Way; and <br />WHEREAS, the annual fund drive of the St. Croix Area United Way <br />will be conducted between September it and October 31, 1989, with all <br />funds pledged to be used for the betterment of the lives of people <br />living in area communities; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I hereby proclaim the week of September 10 thru <br />September 16, 1989 as <br />ST. CROIX AREA UNITED WAY WEEK <br />and urge all citizens, businesses, and all other organizations in the <br />St. Croix Valley area to pledge support of this worthwhile cause - the <br />UNITED WAY to help people in our communities in their time of need. <br />Susan Dunn <br />Mayor of Lake Elmo <br />