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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1989 PAGE 4 <br />i The Administrator will contact Wyn John and Nancy Hansen and inform them <br />of the Council's request. <br />D. 1989 Comprehensive Plan Status <br />Administrator Morrison, Comp Plan Sub -Committee Chairman Dick Johnson, PZ <br />Chairman Rob Enes and Deputy Clerk Mary Kueffner met with Met Council <br />planners for their input on the Comp Plan. Morrison indicated the Plan was <br />looked upon favorably with only a few changes requested. <br />Dick Johnson explained the Met Council would like to see more information <br />on Parks, definite numbers relative of Section 32 (Section 32 Land Use Map <br />was ommitted in the Plan submitted), numbers on Section 32 sewer plan by <br />City Engineer and more numbers on the airport. Johnson would like to see <br />a section on Capital Improvements based on his opinion the purpose of a <br />Comp Plan is to guide the City on what future services are going to be <br />required based on the projected growth. The Met Council could care less <br />about Comp Plan format, Johnson added, and recommended proceeding with the <br />Plan that Mary had put together. <br />Extensive discussion followed on which Comp Plan format the Staff was <br />directed to follow: The format of the 1979 Comp Plan or the March, 1989 <br />Planning Commission draft Comp Plan. <br />MIS/ Hunt/Williams - that the Planning Commission be allowed to continue <br />to update the PZ's current version of the Comp Plan of the PZ <br />Sub -Committee (March, '89). <br />M/S/F Graves/Moe - to amend the motion to include the PZ version of the <br />Comp Plan be submitted to the City Council by July 25, 1989. (Motion <br />Failed 2-3: Dunn, Williams, Hunt: totally unrealistic --the City staff <br />would not have their version done at that time.) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - that the Planning Commission be allowed to continue <br />to update the PZ's current version of the Comp Plan of the PZ Sub -Committee <br />(March '89) with the two plans (PZ and Staff's) submitted (no specified <br />date) simultaneously to the Council for comparison. (Motion carried 3-2 <br />Graves,Moe: they have a workable document in front of them now which they <br />would support and recommend the staff and Comp Plan Sub -committee be <br />allowed to continue updating this draft proposal). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to direct the staff, (staff includes City Engineer) tc <br />continue working on updating the proposed draft of the Comp Plan, <br />following the recommendations from the Met Council. (Motion carried 3-2.: <br />Hunt, Williams: the Comp Plan should come from the PZ and not the City <br />Staff.) <br />Administrator Morrison requested clarification of direction from the <br />Council, she asked if the Council wanted staff to proceed with the Plan <br />typed by Mary by incorporating Met Council's recommendations, and, if the <br />Sub -Committee of the Planning Commission was to use the format of the <br />March, 1.989 Planning Commission draft Comp Plan and proceed with completion <br />on the basis of that format. The majority of the Council indicated this <br />was the direction they desired. <br />