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07-18-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1.8, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />The City Building Official, Jim McNamara, City Engineer Bohrer, and <br />Cimarron Management have been notified and Cimarron's maintenance dept. <br />will take care of it. <br />5. REAPP REPORT <br />ReAPP member, Teddie Carlson, reported Rossana Armson responded to ReAPP's <br />request to review the structure of Genereux's questonaire with such <br />findings: bases of data should be over 300 people interviewed rather than <br />60 people, the overlay picture depicting an active landfill was misleading <br />because it only looked like a hill, and some of the questions could be <br />interpreted as being biased based on the picture shown. Armson's letter <br />was directed to Pat Morrison and will be forwarded to Zack Hansen. <br />ReAPP will have a fair booth, in conjunction with the Solid Waste Advisory <br />Committee, on recycling at the Washington County Fair and they will have <br />available the on -going petition for signatures. <br />6. RECOMMENDATION: RECYCLING <br />The Lake Elmo Solid Waste Advisory Committee recommended the City Council <br />accept the following recommendation: to renew the contract with TMT <br />Recycling at the rate of $85.00 per ton for recyclables picked up, twice a <br />month, in the City of Lake Elmo, and that this contract be renewed thru <br />December, 1990. <br />When the City Attorney was asked if refuse hauling was considered a <br />professional service and should this contract be sent out for bids, <br />Attorney Knaak responded this was more like road surfacing and not <br />considered a professional service. Therefore, the contract should be <br />submitted for bids. <br />The Council was pleased with the service Maroney's firm has given the <br />City, but the Council was prepared to go through the process of soliciting <br />bids. Therefore, the following motion was made. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to renew the contract with TMT Recycling at the <br />rate of $85.00 per ton for recyclablespicked up, twice a month, in the <br />City of Lake E'mo, and that this contract be extended from September 1, <br />1989 thru December, 1989. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to direct the City Administrator, with the assistance <br />of the Solid Waste Committee, to advertise for bids for the recycling <br />contract for the year 1990. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Bruce Dunn asked the Council for consideration in recommending the Lake <br />Elmo Jaycess work with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee in use of <br />biodegradable cups du i Hu f'n Pu51 D y <br />a'Ad recycrla �es Amended 8- - �3) <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. Large Lot Subdivision, Laura Buggert <br />(Owner: Modernistic Die Co.) <br />
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