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08-01-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-01-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 1, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />Mr. Kiesling presented a variety of pictures showing various decks <br />attached to neighborhood homes with measured setbacks for each from the <br />water and pictures of his home before and after his remodelling project. <br />Kiesling stated the sliding glass doors that were installed on the back of <br />the house without an attached deck was his hardship because someone may <br />fall out of one of these doors and absence of a deck causes the home to be <br />lowered in value and would make the house harder to sell. Kiesling added <br />he already has a cement patio slab on the back of the house so why <br />couldn't he add the deck above. <br />For Council information, two letters from the DNR relating to permit <br />violations and their comments on Kiesling's proposal were provided. In <br />the DNR's letter of July 20, 1989, Molly Shodeen stated in the permit <br />(#88-6068) and cover letter to David Keane, and subsequently transferred <br />to Mr. Kiesling, they allowed only raising the home on fill. The DNR <br />clearly stated that no deck would be allowed. While it is true that there <br />are many substandard decks on Lake Jane, there are no other decks <br />extending over or onto the actual lakebed for which variances have been <br />granted. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 7:22 p.m. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Moe - to deny a variance request to the setback from the OHWM <br />and shoreland permit, (the foundation of the house is at 0.1 foot setback <br />where 100 feet is required) by Joe Kiesling, 9359 Jane Road, based on the <br />following Findings of Fact: (]`lotion carried 3-0) <br />1. That the applicant has not demonstrated a hardship. <br />2. That the applicant has reasonable use of the property <br />without the deck. <br />3. That there are possible alternative locations for the deck <br />which would not increase the substandard setback of the house. <br />4. That the applicant was informed the deck was not allowed by the <br />DNR in the Molly Shodeen's letter dated July 20, 1989, stating <br />in the permit (#88-6068) and cover letter issued to David Keane <br />and subsequently transferred to Mr. Kiesling, we allowed only <br />raising the home on fill and clearly stated that no deck would <br />be allowed. While it is true that there are many substandard <br />decks on Lake Jane, there are no other decks extending over or <br />Amende onto the actual lakebed for which variances have been granted. <br />8,15 9 That the August 16, 1988 City Council minutes state the City Staff <br />recommended that neither these proposed nor any future variances <br />be allowed on this property based on irs close proximity to the lake. <br />Mr. Kiesling advised the Council that docks decks are being put up now <br />without permits in his area. He would now be building, one inch from his <br />house, a floating deck. <br />The Council asked Mr. Kiesling to check with the Building Offical and the <br />DNR before he starts any work. <br />
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