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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 1, 1989 PAGE 3 <br />M/S/P Moe/Hunt - to direct the Building Official to look into, current and <br />recent, dock or deck building activity in this area and report back to <br />Council. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />B. Architectural Standards <br />Administrator Morrison received a call from Don Raleigh requesting the <br />Business Community be given an opportiunity to review these standards and <br />come back with their recommendations. Based on discussion at the last <br />council meeting, a council member clarified that these standards should be <br />incorporated in Section 4 of the recommended standards. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Moe - to continue the discussion of architectural standards <br />until the next Council meeting in order to get feedback from the Business <br />Association. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />C. Planning Commission Actions: July 24, 1989 <br />Informational Item. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Road Widths: Discussion <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported in his letter dated July 28, 1989, <br />that his recommendations of May 22, 1989, took into account drainage, long <br />term maintenance, safety, commercial and emergency vehicles and liability. <br />Bohrer recommended that the current road standard for the R-1 zone be <br />adopted for RE (2 1/2). and the present standard for R-1 zone is a 32 foot <br />wide urban street with bituminous berm curbs for drainage based on two <br />reasons: <br />1. RE (2 1/2) will probably be located adjacent to existing R-1 <br />developments and the road standards should be compatible so far <br />as 'is practical. <br />2. Estate type development may not find ditches and culverts for <br />drainage aesthetically acceptable compared to storm sewer and curbs. <br />Vegetation must be kept cut in ditches to provide good drainage. <br />Trees are not allowed in ditches. <br />Bohrer's recommendation for RE (5 acre) zoning classification is to <br />provide a rural design road the same as presently exists for Lake Elmo's <br />RR and Ag zoning district; that is 24 feet of bituminous driving surface <br />with 4 foot wide gravel shoulder each side. Ditches and culverts would be <br />used for drainage. <br />1. RE (5) will probably be located adjacent to existing RR or <br />Ag zoning districts and the road structures should be <br />compatible. <br />2. 5 acre lots will probably not be completely maintained and mowed <br />by the property owner; therefore, ditches and culverts would be <br />aeethetically acceptable in this more rural setting. <br />