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08-15-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-15-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />Stephen Butzer and Patti Cole, 8180 Hill Trail N, have requested a <br />shoreland permit and a variance to the setback requirements of 100 feet <br />from the Ordinary High Water Mark so they can replace an existing <br />deteriorating deck and walkway. Butzer indicated the hardship was the <br />level of safety afforded by the current deck and walkway. According to <br />the Building Official, the proposed plan would not be waterward any more <br />than the existing deck and walkway. The DNR had no concerns with this <br />request. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 7:11 p.m. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Moe - to grant a shoreland permit and variance to Stephen <br />Butzer and Patti Cole, at 8180 Hill Trail N. (Lots 1 and 2, J.L. Cohn <br />Subdivision) for setback from the OHWM based on the fact that the <br />replacement of this deck and walkway would not increase the existing <br />setback non -conformity, and the DNR has no concerns with this request and <br />that no other variances are required, with the hardship being the level of <br />safety afforded by the current deck and walkway. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance from setback from front road; <br />Shoreland Permit, Dorcas Gersmeyer, 9429 Jane Road N. <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. in the City Council <br />chambers. Notice has been published in our legal newspaper and affected <br />propertyowners have been notified. There was no one to speak for or <br />against the request. <br />The public hearing was scheduled based upon the applicant's drawing. <br />After further field review by our City Engineer and Building Official, <br />they determined that a variance from the setback from the road was not <br />required. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. <br />Dorcas Gersmeyer, 9429 Jane Road North, is requesting a shoreland permit <br />for an addition to his house. The DNR had no concerns with this request. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported the addition does include a bedroom, but <br />there is no net increase in bedrooms because they are discontinuing <br />existing bedrooms. Therefore, the septic system is not evaluated under <br />the circumstances and additional lines could be added to the north <br />propertyline. The land where the addition is going to be situated could <br />not be occupied by a drainfield because of the setback of the well. All <br />of the setbacks can be met. Bohrer pointed out to the applicant the well <br />is inside the existing house now, but whenever it needs to be repaired, <br />the well goes outside the house. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to grant a shoreland permit to Dorcas Gersmeyer, Lot <br />15, Berschens Shores, commonly known as 9429 Jane Road North, for an <br />addition to his house. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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