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09-26-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-26-89 CCM
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I� t <br />LAKE ELMO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br />..J <br />SEPTEMBER 25, 1989 <br />Chairman Rob Enes called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 <br />p.m. in the City Council chambers. Present: Enes, DeLapp, Bucheck, <br />Stevens, Dick Johnson, Ha.acke, and Administrator Morrison. Absent: Dave <br />Johnson, John, Johnston, Conlin. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Add: 5. Groundwater Management Plan <br />M/S/P Bucheck/DeLapp - to approve the September 25, 1989 Planning <br />Commission agenda as amended. (Motion carried 6-0). <br />2. MINUTES: September 11, 1989 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Bucheck - to approve the September 11, 1989 Planning <br />Commission Mintues as amended. (Motion carried 3-3-0: Abstain: Johnson, <br />Stevens, Haacke). <br />3. Amended Concept Plan for Large -Lot Subdivision <br />Will Stenzel/George Krueger <br />Administrator Morrison explained Will Stenzel had changed his previous <br />proposal of three lots with variances because he met objection by the <br />Planning Commission. Morrison added, Mr. Stenzel came into the office and <br />requested his proposal for two lots be reheard by the PZ and a hearing be <br />set for a two -Lot, Large Lot Subdivision. The same variances are required <br />as were required for the 3-lot, Large Lot Subdivision. <br />George Krueger was in the audience and indicated he had. not heard from Mr. <br />Stenzel since the last PZ meeting. <br />Steve DeLapp pointed out the staff indicated in the coversheet they had <br />learned the applicant proposed to store his equipment from a construction <br />business in a pole building on the lot on which he builds his home. Under <br />Accessory Uses in Rural Residential Zoning, unless a construction company <br />is an allowed use, a storage building for construction materials would be <br />subordinate and incidential to allowed uses and structures. <br />Dick Johnson did not believe the Commission should be granting multiple <br />lots on a single driveway which creates more problems for the City and <br />encourages the applicant to seek putting in a city street which would be a <br />cul-de-sac which would be too long. Dick didn't feel an auxiliary building <br />created a problem as long as the building is of the square footage allowed <br />for accessory buildings. Just because the equipment is part of this <br />business, Dick indicated, there is nothing stating you cannot bring your <br />' tools of your trade home with you and put them in a storage building. <br />The Public Hearing is scheduled for October 9, 1989 before the Planning <br />Commission. <br />
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