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09-26-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-26-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 PAGE 6 <br />t 5. The applicant pay a park dedication fee of $450 for the <br />newly created lot; <br />6. The applicant provide a revised certificate of survey <br />describing the remaining 20 acres. <br />The Planning Commission recommended the Council approve the rezoning <br />of above subdivided 18 acre parcel from Rural Residential to Public <br />Facility for the purpose of allowing a Golf- Driving Range, based on <br />the following conclusions: <br />1. This is an appropriate use of the land; <br />2. This venture will be serving the community's needs; <br />3. The City has received supportive statements from Howard <br />Jiran of I.S.D. 834 School District for this type of venture; <br />4. The applicant has stated that he will be planting one row <br />of deciduous trees, 20 foot separation, on. the East side <br />and three rows of evergreen trees planted on the south and <br />west side of the property subdivided. <br />5. The applicant has been advised regarding lighting and sign <br />requirements and will meet our city code regarding lighting <br />and signage; <br />6. The applicant does have more than 10 acres for PF Zoning. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to instruct the staff to prepare a resolution <br />granting a large lot subdivision to Scott Blasko/Finneman Ent. based <br />on the recommendation and Findings of Fact of the Planning Commission. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to instruct the staff to prepare an ordinance <br />amending Section 301.070 of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code rezoning the <br />18 acre parcel (as subdivided in the above motion) from Rural <br />Residential to Public Facility, based on the recommendations and <br />conclusions of the Planning Commission. (Motion carried 4-1 Moe: He <br />questioned on what basis did. the Council request Blasko to plant <br />trees, designating the quantity and placement, since our Public <br />Facility Zoning Ordinance does not have this requirement). <br />B. Development Stage, The Forest: Morton/Engstrom PUD; <br />Rezoning (Ag to Rl) <br />Larry Bohrer reported his review was based on the proposal of The <br />Forest that was submitted to the Planning Commission. He did not <br />receive the new proposal Mr. Engstrom delivered to his office until <br />today (Tuesday) at 3:00 p.m. <br />Bohrer voiced his concerns on the number of center islands and the <br />narrow roads of this development, but added Mr. Engstrom has made <br />concessions by eliminating the westerly islands and cut it down to a <br />single road. Engstrom added an extra crossover so Lots 15, 16, 3 and <br />
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