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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />6. Petition Re: Ultra Fights <br />Ron Smith, 9999 loth St., submitted a petition with 19 signatures of <br />residents asking the Council to ban the ultra lights at the Northern <br />Sun Air Park. Smith stated they are very noisy, has seen them chase <br />geese on Eagle Point Lake and-.hava-4ecome dangerously close to power <br />lines and homes. Boris Popov, who operates Northern Sun Ultra Lights, <br />9450 Hudson Boulevard, stated only the FAA has authority to ban <br />anything in the air space above Lake Elmo. Bob Landberg, President of <br />the Minnesota Ultra Light Assoc., said his organization has practiced <br />self -•regulation to the point of grounding some pilots. Landberg <br />pledge his association's continued support in trying to solve the <br />problems in Lake Elmo. <br />City Administrator Morrison had talked to an FAA official who advised <br />ultra light pilots must maintain an altitude of no less than 500 feet <br />over "unoccupied territory", and 1,000 feet over "congested areas". <br />Morrison stated she will submit a recommendation to the Council after <br />consulting with the FAA, the MN Ultra Light Association, and the <br />complaining residents. <br />M/S/P Moe/Hunt - resolved that the Council hereby requests that the <br />Administrator advise the FAA of the concerns and petition and request <br />the FAA work with Northern Sun Air Park, 9450 Hudson Blvd, to address <br />residents' concern and give copies of results to Ron Smith, 9999 loth <br />Street and Robert Landberg, President of Ultralights Assoc. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. Large Lot Subdivision: Will Stenzel <br />The Planning Commission reviewed. a large lot subdivision concept <br />proposed. by Will Stenzel at their August 28, 1989 meeting. Mr. Stenzel <br />has now amended his application from the 3-lot subdivision to a 2-lot <br />subdivision of a parcel of land. he proposes to purchase from George <br />and Lorraine Krueger and would use a common driveway for the two <br />parcels. Four zoning code variances are requested with this proposal: <br />(1) Variance to the required 300' of frontage on a public road for <br />Parcel A, (2) Variance to the required 300' of frontage on a public <br />road for Parcel B, (3) Variance to the permitted 4:1 lot -•size ratio <br />for Parcel A; and (4) Variance to allow a private road for <br />ingress/egress for Parcel B. <br />Will Stenzel requested a multi -use driveway, not a private driveway, <br />and asked the Council to change the ordinance because he understands <br />there are other driveways in the City used as a multi -use driveway. <br />Stenzel. indicated the hardship was, with 300 feet of road, you <br />cannot get to the back two parcels. He added that the cost ($94,000) <br />of a new road would be a burden on him. <br />At their meeting of October 23, 1989, the Planning Commission voted <br />6-1 recommmending denial due to the lack of a proven hardship for the <br />four identified variances. <br />