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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1989 PAGE 3 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to deny the request by Will Stenzel, George <br />Krueger for a Large Lot Subdivision (commonly known as 11.491 50th <br />St.,) and four variances: (1) Variance to the required 300' of <br />frontage on a public road for Parcel A; (2) Variance to the required <br />300' of frontage on a public road for Parcel. B; (3) Variance to the <br />permitted 4:1 ratio for Parcel A; and (4) Variance to allow a private <br />road for ingress/egress for Parcel B based on the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation and on the lack of a legally identifiable <br />hardship for the requested variances. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. CUP AMENDMENT: Oakwood Animal Hospital <br />Dr. Raymond Swanson, owner of the Oakwood Animal Hospital, wishes to <br />construct a 90' x 40' (3600 sq.ft.) accessory structure for the <br />storage of equipment and supplies for his Animal Hospital, the Animal <br />Inn Training Center, and the Animal Inn Dog Kennel. All of these <br />businesses operate under separate Conditional Use Permits and are in <br />the Agricultural Zoning District. Even though the total acres for all <br />three CUP's is approximately 24 acres, the staff indicated it appeared <br />from the minutes and background data that the City gave the zoning <br />district to Dr. Swanson to accomodate his existing use at the time the <br />1979 Municipal Code was adopted. The staff noted there are no <br />conditions set forth in in any of these CUP's that limit the number of <br />buildings and/or accessory structures. <br />At their October 23, 1989 Meeting, the Planning Commission, on a 5-2 <br />vote, recommended that the City Council approve incorporating into the <br />current CUP for Dr. Raymond and Carol Swanson the legal description <br />that includes Parcel 2552 with the crematorium and storage building <br />and strongly recommend before January 1, 1990 CUP review, the staff <br />get together with Dr. Swanson and the owners to discuss future <br />expansion plans. <br />The Council requested the minutes surrounding the original CUP (1980) <br />and legal description of property involved in the original CUP, in <br />hope of getting this matter resolved before they talk about future <br />expansion. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to postpone consideration on amendment to the <br />CUP for Oakwood Animal Hospital until the Council review the minutes <br />surrounding the original CUP (1980) and the legal description of all <br />properties involved in the original CUP. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Site Plan Review: Hagberg's Country Market <br />Bob Fields, St. Croix Oil Co., explained the site plan showing (3) gas <br />service pumps and canopy that Hagberg's Country Market propose to <br />install at their existing business at 11325 Stillwater Blvd. Plans <br />are proposed to leave the existing signage that is there, the size of <br />the building will not be changed, but the septic system will be <br />updated, add plantings, stripe the parking lot with approx. 66 parking <br />spaces, try to use the driveway as two-way traffic with a possible <br />median in the future. During the winter, some changes will be added in <br />the store to improve costumer circulation. <br />