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LAKE. ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1989 PAGE 6 <br />(2) Proposed Ordinances: Residential Estates <br />I-94 Freeway Business <br />(per Councilman Graves) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to postpone <br />ordinances until Councilman Graves <br />carried 4-0). <br />consideration of the proposed <br />arrived at the meeting. (Motion <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williars - to bring back discussion on Proposed Ordinances <br />for Council consideration. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Graves brought up his concern on nothing being done on the <br />proposed ordinances, Residential Estates and 1--94 Freeway Business. <br />Graves advocated the City Coun6ilstate their desire to have the <br />Planning Commission bring these documents to them. <br />Some of the members of the Council preferred to look at the draft <br />Comprehensive Plan, which was just presented to them, before the <br />ordinances are drafted. If this looks like a Comprehensive Plan we <br />can approve, these ordinances will be written to conform with the <br />Plan. The proposed course, Williams explained, would be for the <br />Council to come back at their next meeting with any comments regarding <br />this draft and then they will send the Comp Plan onto the PZ to hold <br />the public hearing. <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />City Attorney Knaak submitted his monthly litigation report. <br />9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Park Committee Recommendation: DeMontreville a+-1 Park <br />The Parks Commission requested City staff review the DeMontreville <br />Highland's files to determine if the City could pursue placement of a <br />walkway easement, as was provided for with the approval of the <br />subdivision. At their October 16, 1989 meeting, the Parks Commission, <br />unanimously, recommended the stipulation in the agreement regarding an <br />easement or a walkway path in-WI.ontreville be pursued and reviewed <br />by the City Attorney in accordance with their recommendation for an <br />asphalt walkway. City Attorney, Steve Carlson, advised any change in <br />conditions of the easement would need to be approved by Derrick Land <br />Co., the developer of this subdivision. As this easement was part of <br />past legal action, it may be necessary to survey the area before any <br />easement construction begins. <br />The Council agreed to pursue placement of: a walkway easement and <br />requested the staff contact Derrick for their approval on this <br />modified easement and to have the affected property owners appear <br />before the Parks Commission, if they desire. If not, they can appear <br />before the Council to discuss their desire for a tree or fence <br />separation and. on walkway surface material coverage. <br />