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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1989 PA^F 7 <br />B. Equestrian/Pedestrian Trail Easement <br />Joe Fogarty, Edina Realty, acting on behalf of his client, Dayton <br />Development has made an inquiry to determine if the City has any <br />interest in assuming a 30 foot trail easement as indicated in the area <br />of 15th Street, east of Inwood. County Parks Director, Jack <br />Perkovich, has indicated the County is not interested in taking over <br />the easement and has expressed concern about possible assumption by <br />users of this trail that this would lead to another entrance into the <br />Park Reserve. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to submit this matter to the Parks Commission <br />for their recommendation. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. MnDOT Report: Traffic Signal TH5 & CR17 <br />The Council received a letter from Mary LaPlante, MnDOT, in response <br />to a meeting held on October 4, 1989 to determine MnDOT's position on <br />installation of a traffic signal at TH5 and CR17. Their review of this <br />intersection indicates that existing traffic controls are appropriate. <br />Only one accident of the type correctable by a signal ha.s occurred <br />over the last 3 1/2 years. Observations indicate that the overall <br />delay at the intersection would be increased with the installation of <br />a signal. They felt that the installation of a traffic signal would <br />not improve the overall operation and safety of this intersecton, at <br />this time. <br />MnDOT willconduct a delay study at this intersection and will, review <br />the possibility of the installation of a bypass lane and right <br />turnl.ane. MnDOT will review the segment of TH5 from CSAH 17 West <br />Junction to CSAH 15 for speed limits and the need for bypass and right <br />turn lanes at the various intersections. This will include a review <br />of the easterly entrance to the gas station in the southwest corner of <br />TH5 and CSAH 17 East Junction, as well as the entrance directly across <br />TH5 from CSAH 17 East Junction. MnDOT will contact the City upon <br />completion of this review which should be in about a month. <br />D. MN Trail Asst. Program Agreement <br />The DNR has requested Council approval of the Minnesota Trail <br />Assistance Program Agreement as part of our request for the DNR grant <br />funds towards the maintenance/grooming of the cross-country ski trails <br />at. Sunfish Lake Park. <br />M/S/P Moe/Hunt - resolved that the Mayor and Administrator are hereby <br />authorized to sign the Minnesota Trail Assistance Program Agreement on <br />behalf of. the City. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Ordinance 8028; Gilbert Sullwold <br />At the March 7, 1989 meeting, the staff was directed to draft an <br />ordinance rezoning the 10+ acres that was subdivided from Mr. <br />Sull.wold's property to enable his daughter to build a single family <br />home. The Council reviewed the ordinance and made the following <br />motion: <br />