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11-07-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1989 PAGE 8 <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to adopt ordinance 8028 rezoning the 10 acre <br />parcel subdivided by Council action in Resolution 89-42 on October 17, <br />1989 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />F. Solid Waste Advisory Committee's Recommendation for Compost <br />Worker's Salaries <br />At the direction of the Council, the matter of payment for composts <br />monitors was referred to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. The <br />Committee met in October and recommended that the City not exceed the <br />amount allotted by the County ($2500 in 1989) in paying our compost <br />workers, and that the total dollars expended on monitoring be divided <br />by the total hours worked, and an equal hourly rate be established for <br />all compost workers. <br />The overall cost for compost monitoring is estimted to be $2,520.58 <br />($20.58 over what we will be reimbursed by the County), if the Scout <br />Troop is paid $600 for the Fall monitoring. Based on their <br />recommendation of the Solid Waste Committee, payment to the compost <br />workers, based on the total hours worked during 1989, should not <br />exceed $4.78 per hour. The staff recommended that the workers be paid <br />$4.00 per hour (15 cents over minimum wage). The balance of the <br />amount allowed by the County would be charged to staff time and this <br />money would essentially go into the Solid Waste Fund. <br />Councilman Williams and Hunt indicated the Scouts entered in an <br />agreement knowing full well $600 would be paid to Scout Troop 162 for <br />monitoring the site this past spring (a total of $600 for 90 hours)and <br />Pit-f �y-eeald supply support documentation identifying this <br />committment. They would be willing to vote for the Solid Waste <br />Advisory Committee's recommendation if started in 1990 and not in <br />1989. Discussion followed on whether there was such documentation and <br />some Council -members would be in favor if the troop as a whole was <br />benefitting. <br />M/S/ Hunt/Williams - to postpone consideration of Compost Workers' <br />wages until support documentation identifying any committment last <br />Spring to Scout Troop 162 <br />The City Administrator recommended the Council follow the Solid Waste <br />Advisory Committee's recommendation effective in 1990. <br />Councilman Moe agreed to this monitor fee schedule of 1990. <br />Councilmen Hunt and Williams withdrew their motion. <br />M/S/ Moe/Hunt - to follow the Solid Waste Advisory Committee <br />recommendation the City not exceed the amount allotted by the County <br />in paying our compost workers <br />and that the total dollars expended on monitoring be divided by the <br />total hours worked <br />M/S/P Moe/Williams - to amend the motion to include and an equal <br />hourly rate of $4.00 per hour be paid for all compost workers <br />effective in 1990. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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