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Ity 1 <br />t LAKE <br />DATE APPROVED: 1/2/90 <br />DATE ISSUED: 1/131 90 <br />ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />DECEMBER 19, 1.989 <br />Mayor Dunn called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in <br />the Conference room in City Hall. Present: Dunn, Williams, Hunt, <br />Graves, Administrator Morrison and City Attorney Knaak. <br />I. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to approve the December 19, 1989 Claims #92667 <br />thru #92727 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. MINUTES: December 5, 1989 <br />The December 5, 1989 minutes will be handed out for approval at the <br />January 2, 1.989 City Council meeting. <br />3. AUTHOR.I.ZATION TO PROCEED: <br />DRAINAGE STUDY FOR OLD VILLAGE <br />Larry Bohrer requested that TKDA be authorized to immediately begin on <br />the field survey phase of the Old Village Drainage Study. This area <br />was determined to be the most pressing need in light of the flooding <br />last spring. Bohrer noted in his letter, dated December 13, 1989, <br />with the light snow cover, ground conditions are still favorable to <br />complete this work in December. Waiting until 1990 may make this task <br />more time consuming because of deeper snow cover. <br />The approved 1990 budget allocated $5,000 for drainage study work in <br />the Old Village Area. north of the CNW Railroad.. This amount was <br />reduced from a total budget request of $20,000 which would have <br />studied the Old Village north of the CNW Railroad plus Legion Pond, <br />Reid Park Pond, 32nd Street Pond, Downs Lake, Eden Park Pond and <br />Durands Pond, and consolidated them into one unified report. Work <br />performed in December is not due and payable until February; <br />therefore, fitting into the 1990 budget timeframe. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to authorize the City Engineer to begin <br />immediately on the field survey phase of the Old Village Drainage <br />Study limited to a total expense of $5,000 allocated in the 1990 <br />Budget. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. ADMINISTRATOR'S REVIEW <br />Administrator Morrison explained she had contacted an attorney <br />relative to Councilman Williams' request to either resign or be fired <br />which was a result of a discussion between Councilmen Williams, Hunt <br />and herself. Morrison added her attorney insisted she be fired and go <br />through the public hearing process, but she had decided to resign <br />effective December 19, 1989 with 10 weeks pay including benefits, plus <br />credit for unused vacation time. If the Council concurs, she asks that <br />the City Attorney write up the agreement. <br />