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12-19-89 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-19-89 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITE' COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 19, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />Councilman Williams presented the following resolution: <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 89-51, Resolved, that <br />the City Council of Lake Elmo hereby accept the letter of resignation <br />of Patricia J. Morrison, terminating the Employment Agreement executed <br />January 17, 1989; that the City Council waives the 30 day notice <br />requirement of the Employment Agreement; that the termination of. the <br />Employment Agreement will. be effective immediately; that, according to <br />the provisions of the Employment Agreement, this termination shall be <br />without a hearing; that the severance will be 10 weeks pay with <br />benefits, beginning December 20, 1989, and payable on the normal <br />salary payment schedule used by the City; that Patricia J. Morrison be <br />given credit for unused vacation, that Patricia J. Morrison <br />immediately surrender all City property in her possession, including <br />any and all keys to City facilities; and that Patricia J. Morrison <br />remove her personal belongings from City Hall and from any other City <br />facilities before 12:00 noon on December 20, 1989. (Motion carried <br />3-1: Graves) <br />Councilman Graves: "Apparently Pat had decided this is the easiest way <br />for herself out of this situation, I respect that. On the other hand, <br />I think that Pat is the best Administrator we've had in a number of <br />years. There is no just cause for our asking Pat to dismiss herself or <br />be fired by action of the Council. She has done an excellent job in <br />the 1 1/2 years she's been with us and carrying out the directions of <br />the City Council. She has been very proficient in doing her job of <br />trying to present us with other options to give us an open minded look <br />at the different options that are available, but as far as I am aware <br />of, she has done an admirable job in carrying out the direction of. the <br />Council even when that has been a bit merky at times. I think she had <br />done her job in a highly professional manner, and I have nothing but <br />high regard for her. The request that she resign or the threat of <br />being fired should not, in any way, reflect negatively on the <br />performance of City Administrator. I think that rather it is a poor <br />reflection on the Counci.l's unwillingness and inability to utilize her <br />skills as they existed. I think this action just proves the <br />incompetance of our Council to manage the City, to let a professional <br />do the job. Her replacement will be the fifth Administrator in seven <br />years, and I have trouble believing that there has been a problem with <br />that many administrators. I think the problem is more deep seated and, <br />the responsibility belongs to the Council." <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to direct the City Attorney to draft a <br />termination agreement to satisfy the provision of the motion. (Motion <br />carried 3-1: Graves). <br />M/S/P Williams/Bunt - to add to the agenda the Budget Period Extension <br />Appeal to the EPA (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Councilman Williams referenced letter, dated Deceeber 7, 1989 from Mr. <br />Scherkenback of the MPCA, and suggested directing the City staff to <br />gather necessary documents to file this, Budget appeal to the EPA. <br />1 <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to direct the staff to proceed with the Budget <br />Period Extension Appeal to the EPA. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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