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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 2, 1.990 PAGE 3 <br />B. Designation of Official Newspaper <br />The City's legal newspaper in 1989 was the Oakdale/Lake Elmo Review. <br />The City has received a letter from Lillie Publications and from White <br />Bear Press Publications expressing their interest in serving as the <br />City's legal newspaper. <br />Staff reported the Oakdale/Lake Elmo review has a circulation of 950 <br />to 1029 for the entire paper with a guesstimate of between 200-300 <br />circulation in Lake Elmo. The White Bear Press circulation in Lake <br />Elmo is approximately 2,000. If residents do not get their paper, <br />they are suppose to notify Editor Gene Johnson. <br />Councilman Hunt believed, based on circulation basis, it would make <br />more sense to adopt White Bear Press as the legal newspaper as it does <br />reach over twice as many households in the City. Hunt added it has <br />become apparent we need to improve the distribution of the City's <br />Newsletter which needs to be made a priority for. 1990. <br />When asked if there was money in the budget, Finance Director Banister <br />.reported there was $500 in the budget for the Newsletter. <br />Councilman Graves pointed out the Press' quoted price of $200 to print <br />each copy of the City's Newsletter ($300 for 2200 copies). Now the <br />printing of the Newsletter is being distributed, although erratic, by <br />Lillie Publications at no charge. Graves suggested more frequent <br />Newsletters because they were being done free of charge. Graves asked <br />the Council to consider Lillie Publications as the City's legal <br />newspaper based on the budgetary standpoint alone. <br />Councilman Williams regarded the importance of the distribution of the <br />Newsletter worth some money to get it out to the citizens. This could <br />be tried for a year and, if it doesn't work, this can be addressed at <br />the Annual Organizational meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to appoint Press Publications as the <br />City's legal newspaper for 1990. (Motion carried 3-1: Graves). <br />C. Selection of Official Depositories <br />The City used the following six depositories in 1989 for placement of <br />City funds in a checking account, in certificates of deposit for short <br />term investments, and in bonds for long-term investments. Finance <br />Director, Marilyn Banister believes these six depositories have <br />provided good service to the City in 1989. <br />State Bank of Lake Elmo <br />Offerman and Company, Inc. <br />Juran & Moody Company, Inc. <br />Prudential -Bach <br />Merrill Lynch <br />Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund (The 4M Fund) <br />