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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 2, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />"On the advise of our City Attorney", Mayor Dunn responded, "we feel <br />the best for all concerned is to leave the situation as it has <br />occurred. Ms. Morrison has resigned, the resignation has been <br />accepted, the issue is closed, any further discussion at a public <br />forum would not be in the best interest of Ms. Morrison." <br />Teddie Carlson stated, "your response on the advise of legal council <br />does fulfill my question that I had for signing Dick's letter." <br />Councilman Graves reiterated, "it was not an unanimous decision, <br />(3-1:Graves), to accept Ms. Morrison's resignation, which was tendered <br />in response to a resign or be removed from office statement from other <br />Council members". <br />5. REAPP REPORT <br />Todd Williams reported they have receivd the hydrogeological technical <br />memorandum from the County and will forward this to DPRA. Todd <br />informed the Council there bad been an official meeting of the <br />Metropolitan Council staff regarding the redefinition of the buffer <br />area. Because of such short notice, he went ahead and directed Ellen <br />Sampson to attend this meeting. Another meeting will be held this <br />week and Todd requested Attorney Sampson to attend. The Council had no <br />objection to this request. <br />6. CITY COUNCIL. APPLICATIONS <br />The City received four applications for the vacancy of Donald Moe on <br />the City Council. Those applying are: Kelly Brockman, Arlyn Christ, <br />Dick Johnson and Karen Johnston. <br />Because of vacations during the Holidays, some Council members did not <br />have an opportunity to interview the applicants. The Council set a <br />deadline of Wednesday, January loth, for new applications. This would <br />give the Council time to do the interviewing. Therefore, the following <br />motion was made: <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to postpone consideration of applications for <br />City Council position until the January 16th Council meeting. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />7. ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: <br />A. Election of Acting Mayor <br />Each year the Council elects a Councilmember as Acting Mayor. Todd <br />Williams was elected to this position for 1989. <br />Mayor Dunn desired a full Council before this appointment is made and <br />requested postponement of election of Acting Mayor until there is a <br />full Council. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to table the election of Acting Mayor for 1990 <br />until there is a Full Council. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />