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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1990 PAGE. 2 <br />( 5. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. Large Lot Subdivision and Two Variances <br />George Krueger, 11491 50th St. N. <br />Resolution No. 90-10 <br />Mr. George Krueger, 11491 50th St, N., proposes to subdivide 12 acres <br />from the 60 acres he now owns for his homesite and sell the remaining <br />48 acres for a single family residence. Mr. Krueger would like to <br />retain the acreage with trees because they act as a screen and buffer <br />and feels, if he retains the trees, he would be assured they are <br />preserved. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request for a <br />Large Lot Subdivision and variances at its February 12th meeting and <br />recommended, unanimously, that the request be granted.. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to adopt Resolution No. 90-10 granting a <br />large lot subdivision to George Krueger, as shown on the Certificate <br />of Survey prepared by Stack Land Surveying dated 10-25-82 which is on <br />file in the office of the City Clerk, and to grant the two requested <br />variances for lot ratio based on the following findings of fact: <br />1. Both lots exceed the required 10 acres of land <br />in the RR Zoning District; <br />2.. Both lots exceed the required 300' of frontage <br />on a public road; <br />3. There is an unusual hardship relating to the <br />physical characteristics of the land; <br />4. It is a minimum variance request, and not <br />a special privilege given to this piece <br />of land. <br />5. The Planning Commission recommended, unanimously, to <br />grant the large lot subdivision and two variances. <br />That said request is granted, contingent upon applicant paying a park <br />dedication fee of $450 for the newly created lot; and contingent upon <br />applicant providing the City of Lake Elmo with a deed for the North 33 <br />feet of Parcel A and Parcel B for the purpose of street right-of-way <br />and utility easements. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Rezoning from Rural Residential to Public Facility <br />River Valley Christian Church <br />River Valley Christian Church has made application to the City for a <br />rezoning from Rural Residential to Public Facility for the purpose of <br />constructing a church within the next 3 to 5 years. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 22nd and <br />continued the application until February 12th, at which time, they <br />recommended. denial of this request based on their Findings of Fact. <br />