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02-20-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-20-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />(See 2/1.2/90 PZ Minutes). <br />The Mayor entered into record a letter, dated February 15th, from R. <br />Thomas Armstrong, the owner of the property, responding to the actions <br />of the PZ. <br />Jess Motta.z, 8770 DeMontreville Trail N., did not consider this <br />request to rezone for construction of a church, because no one can <br />guarantee that a church will be built. <br />Diane Driscoll, 8737 DeMontreville Trail N., voiced her concerns on <br />the health and safety of their neighborhood and the increase in water <br />runoff and traffic with any type of public facility on this property. <br />Pastor Denissen felt the rezoning from RR to PF would be a good use of <br />this property and a church would enhance the area. He had spoken to <br />MnDOT about the increase in traffic by 30 to 100 cars primarily on a <br />Sunday morning. MnDOT stated this would not pose a hazard as far as <br />they were concerned. For intersections such as this, MnDOT stated, <br />normally three accidents a year are an average and this intersection <br />is below average. <br />The applicant had perc tests done and found the property very suitable <br />for a septic system for a church. Washington County has granted a <br />permit for a driveway on County Rd 13. As far as water runoff, Pastor <br />Denissen stated they would comply with the One Percent Rule. Lighting <br />could be placed on the property so as to not affect or interfere with <br />the adjoining neighbors. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to deny the rezoning request for 21.6 acres <br />located SE of Highway 36artdCounty Road. 13 from Rural Residential to <br />Public Facility by River Valley Christian Church/R. Thomas Armstrong <br />based on the Planning Commission's recommendation and on the following <br />Findings: (Motion carried 5-0) <br />1. This property was bought as RR property and is <br />still proposed to be used as residential <br />property. <br />2. This is an existing residential. neighborhood that <br />will continue to be residential. <br />3. Traffic on Hwy 36 is heavy especially on weekends when <br />this highway becomes the gateway to the St. Croix River. <br />4. A similar request came to the City a few years ago <br />when Green Acres Recreational area wanted to increse their <br />recreational facility. For reasons of the health, <br />safety, and welfare of the residents and the increased <br />traffic, lights, and noise, their request was turned down, <br />and it wouldn't be inappropriate to deny this request <br />based on similar reasons. <br />C. Other. <br />
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