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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1990 PAGE 6 <br />B. Request from Washington County Regarding House at <br />1876 Lake Elmo Avenue N. <br />Jack Perkovich, Wash. County, requested this be deleted from the <br />Agenda. <br />C. Prosecuting City Attorney's Contract (continuation) <br />The Council tabled acting on the contract for Prosecuting City <br />Attorney, Carl Blondin, because not all of them received a copy of the <br />proposed contract. The contract was attached for Council review. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - bring back for consideration the contract for <br />City Prosecution Services submitted by Carl A. Blondin for 1990. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Council noted the Apneal,work was on an hourly.xate. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong •- to approve the Contract for City Prosecution <br />Services submitted by Carl A. Blondin for 1990 as proposed and <br />authorize the Mayor and Acting City Adm. to sign said contract. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Recommendation from Solid Waste Committee <br />On February 14th, the Lake Elmo Solid Waste Advisory Committee met <br />with John Maroney who proposed a yard waste pick up program. Mr. <br />Maroney proposes to sell, for 95 cents each (the price includes their <br />pickup), a biodegradable yard waste bag in local stores (Hagbergs, <br />Brooks, Lake Elmo Oil, etc.). These bags will be taken to Mr. <br />Maroney's compost site in Woodbury. Our Lake Elmo Compost site will <br />continue to remain open to those residents that chose to dispose of <br />their own leaves and grass clippings at no charge. <br />Mr. Maroney proposes offering a $25 lottery for each pickup, for each <br />zone for a total of $100 a month. If the address selected did not <br />recycle, the money would be donated to the City to promote recycling. <br />The Committee suggested that the lottery not start until May which <br />would be after residents received their recycling containers. <br />Although the Council declined to officially endorse Mr. Maroney's nrot)osa <br />The Council of Lake Elmo supports any efforts, by businesses of <br />citizens, to promote recycling within the City. The Council suggested <br />the availability of these yard waste bags be mentioned in the City's <br />Newsletter. <br />E. Resolution No. 90-12, Appreciation for service by <br />Barbara Haacke on the Planning Commission <br />At the February 6th meeting, the Council directed the staff to prepare <br />a resolution of thanks for Barbara Haacke. A resolution was attached <br />for Council's review. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to adopt Resolution No. 90-12 offering <br />appreciation and thanks to Barbara Haacke for her contribution to the <br />Lake Elmo Planning Commission. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />