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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />SECTION 32 FUTURE LAND USE MAP; <br />l As this map is being prepared, Councilman Hunt suggested creation of <br />an Urban Office/Commercial Zoning District for Section 32. (Urban <br />qualifies an area that has sewer availability which can have denser <br />development.) Hunt asked if there was a consensus of the Council for <br />this area to be shown on the Future Land Use Map as Urban <br />Office/Commercial. The PZ would develop an ordinance that would be <br />similar to the Freeway Business Ord. <br />Councilman Graves indicated, he has stated many times before, that <br />this area should be more highly developed than it has been proposed in <br />the past. He thought Urban Office/Commercial was an appropriate use <br />for this area. <br />Councilman Williams suggested bringing this Future Land Use Map <br />showing this Urban Office/Commercial Zoning for the entire MUSA area <br />in Section 32 to the Public Hearing. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong stated the Section 32 landowners were a crucial <br />part of designing the present Future Land Use Map. As long as there <br />is a public hearing, these landowners can be a part of it. <br />Larry Bohrer pointed out the Section line goes a little bit East of <br />Ideal Avenue so it takes in a few of the lots just barely in Section <br />33. He asked what the Council's thoughts were for this area (around <br />the one block bounded by Ideal on the West and Guardian Angels Drive <br />on the East that contain the existing neighborhood around 1st and <br />Immanuel street.) The Council considered this could be left as <br />Residential. <br />8. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Street Light Request at CSAH 10 & 19 <br />The City received a letter from Larry Bousquet, Traffic & Maintenance <br />Engineer for Wash. Cty., regarding requests for street lights at the <br />above referenced intersection. As the letter states, the County's <br />policy for installation of street lights is that they will. install the <br />street lights if the city will agree to pay the ongoing power costs. <br />Their proposal is to put up two 400 watt mercury vapor lights, one at <br />the northwest corner and the other at the southeast corner. <br />Mayor Dunn had talked to Larry Bousquet, who stated the large warning <br />signs and bumper strips on the pavement have been a detriment to <br />accidents. The County is considering a deflector system on the <br />pavement to delinate the two roads with a possible post or two and <br />planting of trees on the park land this summer. They do not _feel that <br />a light is necessary at this time. <br />The Council decided not to take any action at this time. When these <br />future improvements are done, the Council would look at the <br />intersection and determine if a street light is necessary. One <br />councilmember suggested the gg possibility of "Do Not Enter" signs on <br />both sides of the north bound lanes. <br />