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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 1990 PAGE 10 <br />9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. SW-1 Public Water Supply Update -- <br />Officially appoint City Council representatives to <br />Negotiating Committee <br />Washington County has a problem with meeting with more than a <br />sub -committee of two members of the City Council while negotiating a <br />public water supply in the Lake Jane Well Advisory Area. The Council <br />should officially appoint two members to this committee. Mayor Dunn <br />and Councilman Hunt have been representing the City. <br />Councilman Graves indicated he has been involved with discussions with <br />the County in trying to address the problem for years and felt Mayor <br />Dunn and Councilman Hunt have had an opportunity to be intimately <br />involved with discussions with Oakdale relative to Section 32 and felt <br />it was appropriate to share these duties with other representatives of <br />the Council. He has talked to Mary Luth and, in her opinion, there was <br />no discontinunity in the progress that has been made if there was a <br />change. From a technical standpoint, he believes he would be better <br />qualified to make contributions to this issue and would like the <br />opportunity. He would be more than willing to assume this <br />responsibility. <br />Mayor Dunn appreciated Councilman Graves' offer, but noted for over <br />three months we could not get the Personnel Committee to meet for an <br />hour, which Councilman Graves specifically asked to be appointed to. <br />She understands his work schedule is demanding, and he doesn't always <br />have the time to put forth. She has more flexibility than someone in <br />his position and is willing to put forth the many hours that are <br />needed. Updates on the meetings are given regularly and input from all <br />Council members are encouraged and appreciated. <br />Councilman Hunt stated his family commitments are much lower than <br />other Councilmembers and his work hours are extremely flexible. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong indicated that Mayor Dunn and Councilman Hunt <br />have this under control, and we should not disrupt the process right <br />now. <br />M/S/P Williams/Armstrong - to appoint Mayor Dunn and Councilman Hunt <br />as official representatives of the City in discussions with the County <br />on the public water supply. (Motion carried 4-1: Graves) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to adjourn the City Council meeting at 10:16 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Resolution No. 90-20: A Resolution amending Resolution 88-14 to <br />include Outside Storage as Part of an Alternate Agricultural <br />Conditional Use Permit to Howard Gelb, Trans City Investments <br />