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CITY OF <br />LAKE <br />ELMO <br />City of Lake Elmo 777-5510 <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North / Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042 <br />April 27, 1990 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: Jim McNamara - Building Official <br />RE: Trans City - Hazardous Material Storage <br />On Friday, April 20th, 1990, I made another inspection of Trans <br />City Investment with.Curt Lange, Trans City's Administrator. The <br />inspection consisted of a tour, by each of the tennants, of the <br />area they occupy and also a step-by-step procedure of the process <br />used in creating their finished product. Neither tennant stored any <br />excess chemicals. They keep in their-tennant space only the chemicals <br />that they are in the process of using. It was explained to me that <br />the shelf life of some of the chemicals is very short, therefore, it <br />is more economical to buy the chemicals as they are used, <br />Glass E.T.C. is licensed by Washington County Public Health (License <br />#6110). They are considered a small hazardous waste generator. The <br />waste generated is strips of film trimmed from the negative during <br />the photo process and then properly disposed of by a designated <br />waste hauler. The generation and disposal of this hazardous waste is <br />controlled by Washington County Public Health and on -site inspections <br />are made periodically by Cheryl Erler of the County, <br />I also spoke with Bruce Brott of the Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency concerning the hazardous materials and the word "storage". <br />The State of Minnesota has not legally defined the word "storage", <br />however, because of the permit process required through M,P,C.A, for <br />hazardous materials, guidelines have been set forth by M.P,C,A. For <br />a small generator, such as Glass E.T,C., a minimum of 90 days is <br />allowed before it is considered hazardous storage. Up to 270 days <br />is allowed under certain conditions, Glass E.T.C. has their waste <br />material removed every 30 to 60 days by a designated waste hauler <br />for recycling, <br />Etching Concepts was also investigated by Washington County Public <br />Health and has been determined not to be a hazardous waste generator, <br />con It LI <br />