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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 1990 <br />should not be allowed. Williams added he did not <br />idea for the Council to be taking any action on a <br />properly postponed by the PZ. The PZ has 60 days <br />Hearing to submit a report. <br />PAGE 5 <br />think it was a good <br />matter that has been <br />after a Public <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING: Stephen & Elizabeth Johnson <br />Variance,to Sideyard Setback <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. The Public Hearing notice was published in the St. <br />Croix Valley Press on April 11, 1990 and abutting property owners were <br />notified. <br />Stephen Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue, explained he was granted at an <br />October, 1989 Council meeting a Shoreland Permit to add on to the <br />existing structure. A survey was requested, but was not done until a <br />week after the October Council meeting. After having the property <br />surveyed, it was determined the addition cannot meet the 10' setback, <br />and he has applied for a 1 1/2' to 2' variance to the sideway <br />setback. Johnson indicated his hardship was that the addition cannot <br />be built without granting this variance due to the layout of the house <br />and lot. He would still have access from the front of the house to the <br />back of his property once the addition has been added. The DNR has no <br />concern with this request. <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, explained the reason this was missed <br />because one corner of the house sits on an angle to the lot. Once the <br />survey was taken, which was after the shoreland permit was granted, it <br />was determined they were 2' short. <br />Dave Swanson, 2929 Lake Elmo Avenue, stated he had no problem with <br />this variance. The houes are parallel, but not parallel to the lot <br />line. If Mr. Johnson builds the addition as planned., the house is not <br />going to be any closer to his house. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. <br />Councilman Hunt felt the City has shown in the past a history of <br />granting small variances, especially in older areas with existing <br />housing layout from the road and lake which has been considered a <br />hardship. Currently, there is no access to the back part of the <br />property. <br />Mayor Dunn had no problem with granting a 2' variance to the sideyard <br />setback. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong voiced her concern about the 10' on the side, <br />which is the access to lot behind his house, would be cut off by the <br />addition to the back property. Johnson responded that it is his <br />intention to settle the easement issue before he would start <br />construction. If he moves 8" the other way, he would start infringing <br />up the restriction of the septic system. <br />