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05-01-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-01-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />Council a recommendation by December 5th which the Commission had not <br />been able to do. <br />The staff suggested to Mr. Salus to change his application from the <br />Large Lot Subdivision and Rezoning to a Conditional Use Permit (refer <br />to Section 301.060D, Page 302-21 of the Municipal Code). The PZ held <br />a public hearing on this amended request for a C.U.P. which included a <br />minature golf course at its April 23rd meeting where one person <br />opposed the proposal and three persons supported it. The PZ tabled the <br />action until its May 14th meeting. <br />Mr. Salus indicated he would remove the request for the minature golf <br />course, and asked to be placed on this Council agenda to obtain a <br />consensus, one way or the other, from the Council on the golf driving <br />range. <br />Mayor Dunn noted for the record the Council received a letter from <br />Robert Engstrom Companies requesting that the application be denied. <br />(See letter 4/27/90 from Robert E. Engstrom) <br />Administrator Kueffner suggested downzoning the property to Ag with a <br />C.U.P. This application could be treated similarly to H. Springborns' <br />application which was commercial recreation of a rural nature. Mr. <br />Salus was willing to be downzoned to Ag. <br />Mayor Dunn indicated she had no problem with the golf driving range. <br />Councilman Graves indicated he had no problem with a golf driving <br />range or the minature golf course. Infact, he felt it would be a nice <br />addition to the community. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong stated she had no problem with the golf driving <br />range, but felt the minature golf course was too much for the area. <br />The golf driving range retains the open space of the land, and it is <br />surrounded by business, such as, Cimarron, Trans -City Investments, and <br />the Drive -In Theater This would not be a detriment to the <br />neighborhood. Armstrong suggested the parking area be dropped down <br />below the berm next to the road so the cars were not seen. <br />Councilman Hunt had a problem with a C.U.P. for this use in a Rural <br />Residential area and felt it would be a dangerous precedent to start <br />allowing C.U.P.'s of any type in a RR area. We do allow uses in Ag <br />with a C.U.P. that would fit this recreation of a rural use, but felt <br />the minature golf was an intense use. A golf driving range would not <br />destroy the neighborhood. <br />Councilman Williams felt this use was a commercial use in a <br />residential area, and the Council has tried to very carefully define <br />where commercial uses should go in our City. One of the areas is just <br />south of this property and along the I-94 corridor. The Council needs <br />to look at the overall proper planning for the City and decide if this <br />is a use which belongs in a residential area or should this use go in <br />a predominantly commercial area. Because there are residences already <br />in the neighborhood and a new development is being built across the <br />street, this is not an appropriate use for a residential area and <br />
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