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05-01-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-01-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 1990 PAGE 7 <br />these lots is approximately 30 feet higher than the road, Lots 3 and 4 <br />are considered not benefitted. The method of assessment is proposed <br />to be the Unit Method. The City owns one lot designated "Park" on the <br />plat and is charged one unit. <br />Proposed Assessment Rate = $19,360.00/12 Units <br />_ $1613/Unit <br />Mary Leslie, 11546 20th St. N., stated that gravel deliveries have <br />done damage to the road and sees no benefit to their property. She <br />asked if some other material which would stay in place could be used <br />for the shoulder. <br />Bob Stone, 2390 Legion Lane, stated he disagreed with the explanation <br />from the engineer on why the road deteriorated. He felt there should <br />be a broader distribution of assessments to benefitting properties. <br />Debra Wilfong, 2229 Legion Avenue N., voiced her opposition to the <br />assessments because it was hard to believe the deterioration of the <br />road was because of the soils. On a daily basis there was heavy <br />equipment that travel this road for development of Packard Park. <br />There should be an immediate ban on heavy equipment using this road. <br />The road should not be improved until the water problem has been <br />solved in case the road would need to be dug up. <br />Ann Bucheck, 2301 Legion Avenue, voiced her concern on the <br />construction equipment that travelled this road and did not want to <br />pay this assessment for the development of Packard Park. She <br />requested a load limit be placed at 8 a.m. on Wednesday to preserve <br />this road. Nothing should be done to this road until the city meets <br />with VBWD in order to find out if this road would be considered within <br />their water project. She prefered the grass shoulders because it <br />looks more rural than gravel shoulders. This is the only access to <br />the Packard Park property and felt the benefitting distribution could <br />be extended. <br />Chris Mayer, 2229 Legion, stated without the exception of using <br />helicopters, how would the property owners of Packard Park get to <br />their houses. The assessments should be based on if they use it. <br />Jean Durand, 11332 20th St., stated Legion Avenue has no benefit to <br />her parents, only to the developer of Packard Park. They don't use <br />the road so they don't have to pay. Other people are benefitting from <br />this road and are not assessed for it. The damage done to the road <br />has been caused by heavy equipment. <br />Linda Stone, 2390 Legion Lane, requested road limits be placed year <br />around and enforcement of these restrictions. <br />Joan Richert read into record the objections for the proposed <br />iml.rovements and assessment to her parents, Peter and Bernadine Durand <br />at 11332 20th St. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 9:20 p.m. <br />
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